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Electives & Past Work Experience

Guest MDHopeful04

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Guest MDHopeful04

I will be starting at MAC this Fall.


I am curious about Electives and how supervisors choose the student with which they would like to work. From my understanding, there are no "marks" at MAC, so I would assume that past experiences and the way you present yourself to them is what's most important. Is this correct?


How do they determine that one student is more suitable for the position than another?


Do tutorial evaluations affect your chances of getting the elective of your choice?


How about past employment and reference letters and your undergraduate transcripts/accomplishments?



How does CaRMS work? I know there are formal interviews, reference letters, and submissions for review. What else do they use to pick a candidate?


Any insight is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Guest summervirus

I don't know how things work at Mac but I would assume that it's similar to other schools.


I've done electives at the UofC and UofA and all I've had to do is email them and say, "Can I do an elective with you?" and pay the office for an administrative fee. That's all.

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Guest Ian Wong

For electives I think seniority usually wins out (ie. a senior med student gets dibs over a junior one), or else it's first come, first served.


As far as CaRMS goes, pretty much everything you mentioned, although I would say that third year marks, letters of reference, strong away rotations and research are the most important in getting the interviews. Once you get the interviews, it's anyone's guess.



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Guest McMastergirl

I went to Mac... never had any problems getting the electives of my choice. The key is to request EARLY, b/c like Ian said, it's first come, first served. No one looks at grades or asks for references or anything like that.


Don't worry about electives right now - your first elective block at Mac won't be until next summer.

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