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The Unbearable Wait

Guest Braveheart

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Guest Braveheart

I'm sure many of you are feeling it right now, but is it me or has the past few days just slowed down? Man, this wait is getting pretty tiring.... been trying to keep my mind busy but the presence of that phone call is drawing ever so near. It is this Fri isn't it? Arrrgh!


Well, sorry for the pointless thread but just letting out some of the anxiety feelings right now. For any of you who feel the same, just let it all out, or like Eminem would say "let one rip." :eek Seems to feel better.


Good luck to you all!

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Guest EngineerwMasters

I'm DYING too!!! This is rediculous.. I just wish it was Friday afternoon right now..


OK.. we've waited this long.. it's just a few more days!!



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Guest MedAnxiety

I just hope they call all the acceptances on friday....and not do half...cause it'd be horrible to wait till monday knowing others found out :x


G'luck waiting guys. 2 and a lil days left!!!

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Guest Tantalus

I found a post yesterday (but can't find it again today...I'll keep looking) that said last year it took them a few days after the meetings to make phone calls b/c they first made up the letters and then started to call. I thought it would be good for everyone to know that this could be done again this year so we may have to prepare for a little more waiting. And this way if it does take them a few days before calling we don't automatically take it as a rejection.


Good luck everyone!

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Guest Braveheart



Thanks for the note... it'll calm a few of my nerves if I don't get a phone call on the Fri. Out of curiosity, is UofA the number one choice for all of you?


Arrgh, only Weds... yes, just 2 and a bit more days.

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Guest MDmmmsure

I am also waiting for the UofA results as well.....in prov, interviewed in Feb....... at this point I've never been less nervous throughout this whole process......after being wait-listed at UofS and UofC (I though UofC was my best shot), I have made peace with the fact that I may not get in this year, and I am truly thankful that I have 6 more courses to finish my honors degree, so at least I will have something to do next year.......with the interview, personal attributes, and reference letters accounting for so much of the application (45%), guessing at this point is really pointless....so I wish everyone the best of luck......hopefully many of us will get to share our application experiences next year in the class of 2009......if not, I hope that those that are rejected don't lose hope, look for areas in which they can strengthen their application, and rock the admissions process next year...... I know that if I'm rejected, its the good ole MCAT for me again....:eek


Good luck



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Guest apical meristems

Hey guys,


Good luck this week. I know that crazy feeling. Just last week I was waiting to hear from Alberta dent - a nice mixture of wanting to know right away if the answer's good, and waiting to find out if it's not so good. Just remember that you all worked hard and what was meant to be will happen.




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Guest swedeboy

Hey everybody,


Just thought I'd let you know that the admissions committee is having their BIG meeting as we speak. My guess is that letters will be printed up tomorrow and phone calls will be made Friday starting right in the morning and going through the afternoon. I believe two years ago they took a couple days to phone everybody but last year they got through it all just on the one day. We'll see though as I could be wrong on this last part. Best of luck to all you applicants and I look forward to meeting a lot of you next year.



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Guest swedeboy

Hi MedAnxiety,


I guess it's one big marathon meeting today. They could be meeting tomorrow as well but I don't know the details. Hopefully you all find out soon regardless.



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Guest Apna

I know none of you want to hear this, just like I didn't want to hear it last year, but I'm gonna say it anyway :P


even when I DID hear from the adcom finally, it was only to be waitlisted... so my waiting lasted until July... the best thing I did was consume myself with other stuff to do (golf played a crucial role here) and let the admissions thing run its course...


one of you mentioned that you have accepted the fact that you MAY not get in this year... that's a healthy approach... travel, party, work, or start planning a backup plan for next year, if for no other reason than to distract yourself from the agony of waiting... then when you least expect it, you might get a call...


good luck to all of you, I hope to meet you in late August!

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Guest MDmmmsure

There's nothing like good ole lab work to take your mind off of the BIG day......unless of course you have a medical student doing work in your lab who was part of the evaluation process....:rolleyes .......ha ha ha.....I truly think the reality is that everyone who interviewed is a GOOD applicant....unfortunately, not everyone can get in this year....however, I believe that if you really want to do medicine, that you will get in someday.....for me, I want to do MD/PhD, and if I have to get my PhD before I get into medicine, so be-it....... I know my MCAT score is weak (29Q), so I also know that I have lots of room to improve on next year....so right now I'm just chillaxin....and like Apical said...if it's meant to be, it's meant to be......and if I don't get in...no hard feelings, life goes on....



party time....



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Guest MedAnxiety

yeah, I guess Apna you're right. I realized that the pre-req average is extremely high... and it's weight is heavy for admission...so that may bring me down, along with the reference letters...hmm....now i'm kinda depressed..LOL

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Guest MDmmmsure



Because there is so much that factors into the application at the UofA, I wouldn't worry about it.......a low pre-req average can be easily balanced with a high interview score, or high marks on the overall GPA + MCAT.....there are many other factors that can bring up a weak section.......you, I am sure, will be fine......Good luck.....



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Guest Bighead

Thought I'd let the word out that the meeting's all done, and that phone calls should be out soon. Last year, they did them the Friday after we made decisions, hope (for your guy's nerves sake) that it happens the same this year.


Best of luck, all of you. It was a competitive pool this year.

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Guest MedAnxiety

MDmmmmSure, thanks for the encouraging words. Hopefully, we'll be able to meet eachother at UA next year. You shouldn't give up hope either!


Seems like phone calls will be out soon! maybe even tmw!!


Good luck to everyone!

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Guest Tantalus

How do they get through each candidate in one day and still go through each file with extreme consideration (as they often point out in rejection letters)? There are ~250 people who were interviewed so do they have a general sense of who is sitting where before going into the meeting? Or does each member of the committee rank the candidates and then they compare lists? Or do they just go through the list as efficiently as they can? If things are really as competitive as it seems, wouldn't it take them longer than a day to decide? Or is it that they have thought about it enough by this point that they can make a quick decision.


I realize this is a long rambling question, but I would really like to know how they are selecting this year's class. If anyone knows (...Bighead?) I would really appreciate it.



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Guest MedAnxiety

hmm...this is what I think....maybe they had everything done already pre interview....and then just added in the interview score. and bam!! Excel does the trick. but i doubt it's that easy...

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Guest Bighead

I cant tell you all the details of the process (or at least I shouldnt). There's a fair bit of computer ranking, but the files are all individually examined too. A lot of work goes into this, believe me.

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Guest MDmmmsure

I believe the way they were going to do the evaluation this year was:


pre-interview: pre-req GPA, overall GPA, MCAT (PS, VR, BS), and personal attributes


post-interview:add in interview score, reference letters, and writing section on the MCAT


There was an informal information night hosted by the pre-health society at the UofA in which admissions from Med and Dent came out to talk, and I believe this was the breakdown....I could be wrong....


Well.....given that bighead said it was a competitive pool this year, I believe I should start studying harder for the MCAT now.....but I don't wanna.....:D .....time will tell I guess!


Good luck everyone



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Guest Jenuine

Hey Joe,

Did they say why they look at the MCAT writing scores Post-Interview? I can see why they might look at reference letters afterwards, but what would a writing sample letter score tell them about an applicant at this point?


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Guest MDmmmsure

Hi Jenuine,


The only thing that I can think of is perhaps they are maintaining consistency between the years. Previously you had to submit an essay with your application.....assuming (don't know for sure) that they read the essays of only those being interviewed (ie- 250-300 compared to 900-1100), then they, in similar fashion, are only looking at the writing section of the MCAT (which replaced the essay) of those being interviewed as well. They did not specifically address this that night so I guess you have to take this assumption with a grain of salt......


good luck



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