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GPA Calculation

Guest biczippo

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Guest biczippo



I have a question regarding U of A's GPA calculation (yes... another one of those questions). How is the overall average calculated? Is it by calculating all the courses you have taken during your undergrad years? Also, it says that the lowest year will be dropped for applicants with 4+ years of schooling - does that include summer courses (that follows the lowest year). If you have taken 6 courses for a year, will the highest 5 courses be used to calculate the GPA for that year? Finally, how are graduate courses calculated? Will they be used in the calculation of the overall average?



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i'm sleepy, so i'm going to make this short...


- summer courses are counted only if they are a pre-req course. ie) if you took organic chem, stats, etc. it'll be worked into your pre-req average. if you took math 113, basketweaving, etc. it is counted for nothing! see a previous post in this forum (its just a few topics down) on how to calculate your pre-req gpa


- overall is from all the courses you've completed in fall and winter terms. if you've taken 6 courses, then your gpa is *not* converted for the best 5... the weighting is "reassigned", meaning each course weighs less.... (6 courses per term is 36 credits in a year. Multiply your grade by the weighting (3 for half year, 6 for full), add up all those grades, and then divide by the units of course weight you took that year) ...take a look at your transcript, your yearly GPA will listed. Add up the GPA values and divide them by the number of years you've been in school (max 4). that's your overall.


- graduate courses count for overall average. if there's a pre-req covered in grad school, it can replace a low undergrad pre-req grade.

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Guest biczippo

Thanks EB!


A couple more questions..


Do you convert your yearly GPA directly to U of A? Or would you convert each course grade to U of A and then recalculate a U of A average for that year? I am doing a part-time master program; how does that count in the overall GPA? I was taking about one course per semester. However, during this time, I was taking an additional year of undergraduate studies as well at another university. Do I treat the two as separate years in calculating the overall GPA?


Thanks again.

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you definately need to convert each grade separately and then recalculate your GPA... takes a bit of time... for example, say you took 11 half year courses in one year and you got three 3.6's and eight 4.0's:


3.6 = 8.0

4.0 = 9.0


(3 courses x 3 units of weight x 8.0 grade points) + (8 courses x 3 units of weight x 9.0 grade points) / (11 courses x 3 units of weight) = (72 + 216)/33 = GPA pf 8.727272....


Hhhmm... a masters and undergrad year at once... I'm guessing you're doing correspondance at something like Athabasca? I think you might have to check into that one... I've never heard of someone "attending" two universities at once... a few people I work with took undergrad courses at the U of A while working on their grad degrees (to up marks like english and stats), and those marks were all averaged together to count as a single year...


Maybe you should call the admissions office about that one... now that most of the interviews are over, the ladies there are less busy and have the time to explain things....

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