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To Shkelo

Guest UofA man

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Guest UofA man

I recall from an early post, you were discussing how important the interview was because of the range of marks you can receive, compared to your GPAs. Was it MArlene that told you this or someone else in the office.


So did you also get accepted to U0fC or any other school as well, and what will decision be?



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Guest shkelo

Wow, I didn't think anyone was really following my posts. How'd your interview go, UofA man?


Like anything, it pays to be informed. Yes, I've talked to Marlene but she didn't describe the process to me so explicitly. There was, however, a meeting awhile back for interviewers to get them up to speed on the process. A few people I know from Med school at the U of A, who attended the meeting, informed me of the process. Many of them, after hearing it for the first time (from the Dean of Admissions no less), were a little shocked by the impact of the interview. In most ways, it's fair. How else are they going to be able to justify sending a rejection letter to someone with a near perfect academic average but didn't make the cut? I was a little shocked, like they were, that the score on the interview has the potential to catapult an applicant up (or down) by as much as 80 places (according to them - it is, after all, second-hand info. This may also be a by-product of the grouping of scores where most applicants receive an average score of three.) By deductive reasoning, my guess is that most people that receive an interview have a legitimate chance at gaining admission (I definitely don't have super stellar MCAT marks or GPA average) provided that they do well on the interview. I spent A LOT of effort preparing and it paid off. A good essay and resume will also help, but only so far as a general impression. You can screw that up pretty easy within the first few minutes of your interview. I've heard of so-called "guaranteed" applicants with Masters/PhDs and excellent grades that came off as total a$$es/incompetent in their interview. There is more to med school admission than proving you're a good student.


I shared this info with everyone because I think it is important to know what you're up against. All the aspects of your application are likely important, but getting an interview is the first major hurdle. After that, all that stands between you and med school is the collective opinion of the three people on the opposite end of the table. If you can convince them, you're in. There is no magic formula to get into med school; it's hard work anyway you look at it. Applying to medicine is a little like running a marathon; it takes blood, sweat, tears, motivation and determination to finish the race. The interview is like the last leg of that journey - the last mile - this is where you'll see if all of your hard work paid off. Some make it while others bonk.


Yes, I’ve decided to go to U of A, but I was also accepted at U of C. My application is still pending at a few of the Ontario schools. Ontario was a little bit of a wild card anyway. Tuition, as I’m sure you’re aware, is deregulated in Ontario and paying $10,000+/year doesn’t really appeal to me too much when I have more opportunities here in Alberta. There has been some talk of deregulating tuition for professional degrees here in Alberta. Dentistry at U of A is already heading in that direction ($20,000 up front in first year!!). Hopefully, that won’t happen but you never know with the ever changing price of oil and the Alberta economy.


Good luck!! I wish everyone I've met on this board made it into med school.

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Guest UofA man

Well your info seems from a pretty reliable source, which is very comforting. Like you I don't have the stellar GPA, and only decent MCAT scores, but I relly felt that my interview went well. So I hope to see you in September.


For those who are still wainting for a responce, it looks like about 100 people interviewed in May. Someone had posted earlier on another post that during Feb. interviews they interview about 200-250, so it looks like UofA is cutting down on the # of interviews, so the interview becomes that much more important.


Good luck

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