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Billeting/accomodations in summer

Guest UOMeds06

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Guest UOMeds06


Do any of the moderators or Edmontonites know of any one willing to billet a young charming med student for 2 weeks in June? Or can any one suggest a cheap hostel located near the hospital/university?


Thanks a bunch,


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Guest summervirus

Hi UOMeds06,


I'm not aware of anyone personally. But, if you enable your ez-inbox, I can private message you the email addresses for our 2005 to 2007 class mailing lists. I think that would be the best way to find out if there are accomodations.


Alternatively, you can also take a look at our med student housing listing:



Feel free to private message me and I can give you some more details if you need help! :)

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Guest UOMeds06

Hey Summervirus,

I wrote to you using your EZmail....I left you my email address there. Thanks for getting back to me.


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Guest summervirus

You're welcome. I'm actually taking off to Calgary for the summer and I'll be leaving this weekend. Maybe I'll see you next time if you come back to Edmonton or if I go to Ottawa for an elective!


Hope you like Edmonton! :)

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Guest UOMeds06

Indeed! You should come. BTW, I sent you an email since I can't send a message to your class since I'm not on your listserve.


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Guest UOMeds06

Maybe I'm wasting my time in med school....perhaps I should be an entertainer?! :P


So Snoops, I'll see you in Edmonton since you're not coming home until August? Maybe I'll meet you in Montreal for the World Cup...that is, if the Canada vs USA tickets aren't all gone already.



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  • 9 years later...

I stayed with a lovely lady who has a spare room in her basement. It was a pretty great place to stay (shared kitchen), and she lives just a few blocks from the university north campus (where the University Hospital and Stollery Children's Hospital are). Her e-mail address is kochr97@gmail.com. I would definitely recommend staying with her if you have any electives there! :)

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