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Waiting Sucks

Guest physiology

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Guest Bleepo

Hey Kirsteen,

You were accepted into UBC med and you didn't go? :eek Wow ...what made you give that offer up, if you don't mind me asking?

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Guest not rex morgan

Thanks for clarifying Soapy and Kirsteen. I guess it has been so long since I applied during undergrad that I forgot that policy. Plus, when I got in, I was well done my courses and that would not have applied to me. It sounds from the way they're saying it that your "overall" average cannot drop below five percent without them taking a second look at your application. Even if you did poorly in your last semester, if your overall average does not drop that dramatically, you still may be in the clear.

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


What not rex morgan mentions above sounds bang on: I haven't done the math, but I would assume that unless you do uber-poorly in one year, your overall GPA shouldn't fall that much.


Bleepo: it's a bit of an old story, but in a nutshell, I applied to the MD/PhD program; was accepted to the MD, but not the PhD, and the former acceptance was conditional upon gaining entry to the latter. Since I failed to hurdle the PhD bar, the MD seat was rescinded. On the upside, I still strongly remember the fantastic feeling of pulling the package from the mailbox and reading the "Congratulations!" in the opening line of the cover letter. It ranks right up there on the excitement and elation scale, and hopefully many of us experience it in a short while. :)




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Guest physiology



I wonder how that average is calculated. Is it based on your pre-reqs, or overall, or just last 60.


I read somewhere on this forum that they look at your pre-req average during the final selection.

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Guest soapyslicer

Hi Everyone,


Have been running like crazy as one of the local stores in town are finally taking all the soap/body product I make. Hence the first half of my name. Two weeks ago I was twiddling my thumbs trying to distract myself and now I barely have enough hours in the day. You will notice I still managed to have a quick fix on the board though....


Hope everyone has gotten through exams OK and are enjoying being able to do something other than studying. Just think, if we are lucky, we only have 118 days of free time left before med starts. Oh yah did i say I was so busy I haven't had time to think about these things????? Yah right!!!!



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Does the strike mean the memebrs on the adcom will have more free time to make the final decisions? Can you tell I am getting desparate?:)

BTW, this strike is absolutely rediculous, these people make enough for what they do even with the proposed rollbacks.

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Guest Bleepo

Kirsteen: I can't believe they did that! Don't a lot of schools still consider you for their MD program even if you fail to get accepted into their MD/PhD one? I can't imagine the disappointment you must have felt. I really hope all goes well for you this year!

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Guest Biochem3010

It actually has to do more with job security than pay. Many workers I know are being kicked out & being replaced by other contracted workers making around 10-11$/hour.


The 11 or 15% paycut whatever it is (reported differently on CTV & CBC) seems reasonable considering they were the highest paid within the country.


Besides that, it would nice to see Gordon Campbell take a paycut once in awhile to show his leadership or whatever he has to show.... :lol

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Guest Ollie



I believe the discrepancy with the rollback percent comes from the actual pay cut being 11% and then the longer work week making up the extra 4%. I'm not trying to start a big union wage debate, but I just thought I would point out that not all of the striking workers are cleaners and cafeteria workers (the so-called "hotel services"). A large number are skilled workers like LPNs, respiratory and cardiology technicians, and tradespeople who deserve more than $10/hr. But I do agree the $18/hr to work in the caf is a bit excessive.

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Guest Koppertone

I don't think that's unfair living in Lower Mainland (where 3/4 of the BC popluation lives). Take $18 /hr cut in half due to income tax, add our 7.5% PST and the 2nd highest housing prices in Canada and you have some pretty unhappy people. Not to mention that ripping up a contract pretty much voids the validity of saying a strike is "illegal" when the action of ripping up a contract is equally "illegal" and also morally reprehensible. Let's face it, the majority of the drain on the health care system doesn't come from the cafeteria worker who makes $35,000/yr, it comes from the physicians who bring in 10x that amount.

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there Bleepo,


Don't a lot of schools still consider you for their MD program even if you fail to get accepted into their MD/PhD one?
Yes they do. However, UBC is unique in that they allow out-of-province applicants to the MD/PhD program to be assessed according to in-province standards, i.e., the lower, in-province cut-offs are used to assess their suitability for proceeding in the MD selection process. Thus, if you are not accepted to the PhD part of the MD/PhD program and your MD program score was not above the out-of-province cut-offs, then any MD program seat that you might have secured is rescinded. Had my assessment scores exceeded the out-of-province cut-offs then I imagine that I would have been allowed to keep my seat, and I would have been entering year 3 of the UBC program this year. Sure, it was disappointing at the time, but it's a fair policy. :)




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