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question about full course loads

Guest alsex

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im in my 4th year @ York U,


while in first year i only took 2 full year courses.... and then took a full load during 2nd year, more than the usual full load during 3rd, full load during summer between 3rd and 4th and now full load during 4th year! (im done in april)


will my 1st year count towaards my GPA?

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Depends on the school...


At UWO - no, it won't. You cannot use any year in which you took less than 5.0 full courses (or equivalent) between Sept-April. You also may not use summer semester courses as part of your GPA.


At other schools that calculate a cumulative GPA (mac for example) yes, your 1st year will count.


You will need to investigate the GPA calculations for each of the schools you are interested in applying to... they are all different.


Good luck!

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