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off topic: how to cross search?

Guest alan15

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Guest alan15

Hello all,


This is very off topic, but I was hoping someone could help me with this.


How do you perform a cross search on the internet or search engines or on-line catalogue etc.?

For example, what does it mean to perform a search that crosses "consumer/survivor", "self-help" etc. against terms like "exercise", "physical activity", "recreation" etc.?


Many thanks, appreciate the help!


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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


It sounds as though a "cross search" might be synonymous with a search within Ovid or PubMed that involves the Boolean operator, "AND". That is, when you use this operator, it permits you to search the body of literature for two or more strings simultaneously. An example might be:


-a search for the string, "AVM" might yield 12,000 related articles

-a search for the string, "brain" might yield 110,000 related articles

-a search for "AVM" and "brain", either in PubMed or Ovid might yield 8,000 articles, i.e., all those with a primary topic of "AVM"s but also with the primary topic of "brain", i.e., a search for articles with the primary focus on brain AVMs.




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