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Guest wab8611

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Guest wab8611

only little more then a month until university starts.. and im getting kind of nervous.


i have a couple texts for the courses that im going to take.. and i decided to break into calc first.. (uoft--mat135).. and it already seems to be a little much, for when it comes to how many chapters you need to know for the term tests..


i hope i make it...:\

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Guest ploughboy


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Your enthusiasm is commendable, but don't get too freaked out about midterms right now. There's lots of time to worry about that when school starts. ;-)


Enjoy the rest of your summer. For me, the summer between highschool and university was one of the best summers of my life (gawd, that makes me sound like an old fogie!) I spent it working on the farm and hanging out with my highschool friends: it was the last summer that we were consistently all together, all the time, before scattering to the four winds with school, jobs etc. That made the summer pretty special.


Live in the moment and savour your free time and the beautiful weather while you still have them both. There will be lots of time to study calcuseless in the fall when it's raining...






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Guest 4shattered4

Don't worry, it's not that bad. I had a plan to do that last summer, but I ended up slacking up majorly and just gave up on the idea. If you just keep up with the workload, you should be able to handle it during the year. Besides, the first half of MAT135 is review anyway. Sometimes if you learn too much ahead, you get really really bored during class lol.

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