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Post-Interview Discussion

Guest geekpunk

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Guest geekpunk

So how did everyone's Dal interview go?


I just had mine and it was definetly relaxed and friendly. The time flew by, I didn't notice 30 minutes had gone by. A lot of the interview was centered around my personal statement and activity sheet. A few ethical questions at the end, but nothing really controversial (i.e. NONE of the ethical questions were on abortion, euthanasia, stem-cell research, etc.). They were moreso situations in the past where I had resolved conflict, or reacted to a difficult setback, etc...


Overall, I think it went well, but I wish I had had a bit more time as I felt as if I had more to say/offer! Definetly not stressfull though, good luck to others applying

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Guest mscmicrobiology

Had mine on Jan. 28th. Same impression, relaxed and friendly. I was actually in there for closer to 45 minutes. The bulk of the interview was a generalized conversation about my life past to present, with some "please elaborate on this or that" thrown in. I had zero ethical and zero "current state of NS healthcare" questions. The interviews seemed to genuinely want to simply get to know "me" and not recite some prepared response to a typical (expected) question.


Since it was so relaxed and friendly, I found it hard to judge whether I performed well or not. I came out feeling like I just had a friendly chat instead of some kind of structured Q and A session.


Goodluck to all the other candidates and LETS GET SOME MORE ACTIVITY ON THESE FORUMS!!!! (though I expect things will liven up now that interviews are being done)

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Guest SnowflaX

I had mine on Jan 28. It was maybe 25 minutes. Like everyone else said, the interviewers were super friendly and made an obvious effort to take the pressure off of the situation. Also, I did not have any ethical scenarios (except to comment on my own experiences) or the NS health care system. None of the trite questions like, personal strengths or weaknesses etc. Which I feel was better because I didn’t feel compelled to give any scripted answers at all (literally none of the questions I prepared for, by reading the forums, were asked). I was able to give real, honest answers. I found the interview to be virtually completely “experienced-based”. I am a health sciences student & I found the bulk of my questions were related to that. Bonus to that is of course I knew the answers to the questions… the bad side is, I felt I came off as a little one-dimensional (like geekpunk mentioned, I think I may have more to say/offer than what came across). Also, very hard to judge how you did because it seems as though they are enthusiastic about all your answers (which is obviously more comforting than having antagonistic interviewers tho).


Good luck to everyone!!

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Hey guys,

just had mine, and it was the same in alot of respects. I did, however, get grilled on the Healthcare hot topic of the elections. It was interesting, in that, one would say it wasn't a real ethical question on the surface, but when I analyzed it, I would say that it was both ethical and knowledge of healthcare. The question was to comment on my research into or my knowledge of the hot topics with the current election in recent past. This was open format in that the following questions were based on my responses. For example, I commented on what the platforms were for the parties on healthcare, and when I mentioned two tiered healthcare, the interviewer went with that...what were my views, did I think that the publically funded system could handle all the strains? Then, instead of doing a yes/no answer I tried to go with reasons for and against two tiered, to show my reasoning. I did however, express my own hopes in an ideal world, but it was tricky at one point in that he stated" do you think EVERY canadian should have free access to drugs no matter how expensive the cost? So this led into some interesting banter. I think it went well, but what I see is that based on how you answer, determines which direction they will go with the questions. I think the ethics was definitely intertwined with that line of questioning as well as trying to know if I'd been up on the recent events with the health care crisis. It's just the waiting game now folks...good luck to all...


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hi folks,


i would say that my interview went well also. however, i was a little disappointed in that i felt that the questions asked didn't allow me to convey the things that are really important about me. much of my interview was related to expanding on different aspects of my application. although i think that the things that i have done speak well about me, they don't tell the whole story. i left knowing that i answered the questions i was asked as best i could, and that i had made a good impression. but i also felt as if i hadn't been able to tell them much about who i really am... which i really would have liked to have done. ah well, that is the reality of a 1/2 hour interview i suppose.


good luck to all!

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Guest scooter

Hey guys,

I agree with you GP2B- 30 mins is too short!!

I think my interview went WAY better than last year- i was in the group of 9am on Saturday 28th (first at MUN too). I got the regular questions about what I'm doing now since I have been working for 2 years and about myself. I got a question on Euthanasia and some follow ups on it. I think I answered well.


I talked for a second with the Dean after my interview and he said that they are considering doing all the NS applications and then the NB and PEIs. So all of us in NB will have to wait for a while to hear :x He said that he would post something on the website about it- but nothing is there yet- does that mean they are doing the normal random considerations or just haven't put it up yet? Anyone else hear anything about this?



Let's start posting our stats so we can get an idea of where everyone else stands

NB 30S (BS 10, PS 7 :rolleyes VR 13:hat ) (24R last year) Gpa B+/A-

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Guest cedar05

Hey Scooter,


Glad to hear your interview went well! However I don't think there is any need for people to post their stats since Dal considers alot more than just GPA and MCAT so it really doesn't give you an idea of where you stand. I think your scores are personal and there is no need to tell others. It just makes someone who did worse feel bad about their scores!

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Guest mscmicrobiology

I agree with cedar, I would be more interested in hearing from more candidates that have had their interview.... and of course when the first of us begin to hear decision information.

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Guest MrNeuroscience

I had my interview on Saturday in the afternoon (as a side note, judging by the last names of the people I knew in the room the interviews go alphabetically by province...). My feelings from the interview are the same as everyone elses...

I am happy with how I answered the questions asked of me... even now that I have had the time to rethink my answers I am still happy with them! My interview lasted 45 or 50 minutes, so I don't know if that is a bad thing or a good thing, but we just continued discussing things from my background and hypotheticals, so maybe time just ran away!

For anyone still to have an interview, the worst thing you can do is be really really stressed about it! The interview rooms are kind of small, so be prepared to be cozy. My interviewers were extremely good at having the questions flow naturally from one to the next, which also made it much easier.

Good Luck to everyone!

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Guest cedar05

hey guys,


has anyone else heard that Dal is looking at NS applicants before NB and PEI? I have not heard this but would be interested in knowing the answer!

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I had my interview last Saturday as well. It was okay, but I'll be the first to say that I think it could have been better. I definetly had a rough start. I think it would almost be better to go in completely cold because there isn't really any way to guess what they will ask. Except for perhaps why you want to go into medicine. Every interviewer appears to take a different approach.

By the nature of my interview, it doesn't seem like they were trying to "find out" too much information except whether or not I could hold a conversation, what kind of person I am generally and whether or not I think things through.

I guess we'll all know how our applications measure up during the next few months.



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Hey everyone,


Just had my interview today at 1 PM (February 11th). I got a couple of tricky questions, which were as follows:


1. What role do you think Western physicians should play when developing treatments for patients in developing nations? (asked probably becuase I commented I was interested in international health)


2. List 3 things you would do to combat the drugs and homelessness problem in X city (I won't mention the name of the city, but I had visited it and mentioned it in my essay, so this is probably why they asked me about it)


3. What would you, as a PHYSICIAN (i.e not as a governement official) do to fix some problems with Canada's healthcare system (Follow up to a question asking what I would do as a politician to fix the problems).


These were probably the three toughest questions I was asked. My interviewers were ok, I certainly wouldn't say they were overly friendly though, which I was surpised because most people said Dal interviewers really want to make you feel relaxed. I got postive responses to a few things, but they were mostly neutral. Overall, I felt pretty decent about it! Nothing to do but wait now :) Good luck to everyone else!


Snew :)

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Guest DancingDoc

Hey everyone,

So I just had Dal interview, and (I never thought I would say this) it was FUN! Weird, it was literally just a fun chat between me and my interviewers. It was obvious that they had prepared and knew my essays/extra curriculars/etc to ask me experienced based question. Really friendly and warm atmosphere. I couldn't have asked for it to go better!!! Who knows what that means, but at least whatever happens I know it went as well as it could have. Good luck to everyone with Dal iterviews yet to come, honestly just relax and be yourself in there, they are all really friendly.

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