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1st Year Med School Survival Kit

Guest buffer monkey

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Guest buffer monkey



I'm thinking about making a "1st year med school survival kit" for a friend before she heads off for orientation week. Does anyone have any ideas on what I could put in it?

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Guest shrinkage

buffer monkey,


I guess it depends on how "serious" or "kidding" you want to make it...


- caffeine pills (available OTC at any pharmacy)

- multivitamins

- an empty journal/diary

- a book of inspiring/religious quotations...(e.g. Chicken Soup for the Soul)

- humorous daily calendar thingy

- tiny photographs/frames for pics of family/friends to have in front of her during all-night study sessions on campus or whatever

- a cutesy mug..."Doctor" or "Future Doc" or "Med Student" or something

- a crazy 4-colour pen for taking down diagrams during lecture


Good Luck.



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Guest DrSahsi

A copy of "The House of God" by Samuel Shem.

(though most are better off waiting until clerkship to read it)


Oh, and highlighters. Lots and LOTS of highlighters.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest madricka

may I add? I know your friend is way off in school now & it's too late, but maybe someone else wants to make one. So here are my ideas...


-- index cards in various forms (small, larger, ruled, blank, colours) for memorizing stuff


-- stapler (with coloured staples, of course!)


-- a good pair of fuzzy jammies & slippers to study in


-- a flashdrive


-- a full-year wipe-off calendar (you can get these at the bookstore with the university logo on the top) & a pack of multicoloured water-soluble pens to go with it (each thing gets a different colour, i.e. exams you put in red, assignments in blue, appointments in green, etc.)


-- a variety of coffee/tea/hot chocolate (different flavours of pre-ground coffee in sealed canisters... you can get them at Second Cup, Tim Horton's, etc.)


-- a treat stash (i.e. the person's favourite treats -- chocolate, candy, granola bars, microwave popcorn, lollipops, etc.)


-- case of Coke/Diet Coke/Pepsi/Dr. Pepper/whatever


-- food for busy folks (KD, cans of soup, beans, tuna, etc. + a "quick" cookbook)


-- write a very supportive & personal letter with your survival kit... lots of "I know you can do this!" and "You will make an amazing doctor!". This is something the person can pull out & read when things are weighing heavily.


-- a hardy plant in a cool pot (i.e. cactus are good... some others will last despite inadequate & uneven watering, ask the staff at your local plant store)


-- a pair of really good socks... this one sounds dumb but when you're stuck in the library for hours & hours, sometimes you want to kick off your shoes to get comfy... if you have thin socks your feet will get cold, if you have holey socks you will be embarrassed. Plus it will make the gift recipient laugh, which is kinda the point!


-- if you have the cash... a blender. Sounds crazy but making protein smoothies in the morning can really help if you don't have time to sit down for breakfast.


K... I guess that's it. It's a good idea though. :)

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