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non-academic experiences...

Guest gonzo23

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Hi all,


Quick question. I hope this gets answered before tomorrow when I submit my application. I just want to know whether it's ok to overlap things we put in our non-academic experiences with employment experience. I feel like some of my employment experience is highly applicable for some of the sections of the NAE.





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Guest monksters

Hi there,


I asked the admission peeps when I did my application before and was not given a clear answer. Personally, in some cases where I had overlap between my employment and EA, I put it in both. For instance I was a respiratory tech for a couple of years and I thought that would be relevant to the Service related experience section. I'm not entirely sure but they would probably recategorize some items if they felt it was appropriate. On the other hand, I know that in the past they discouraged overlapping between the different Extracurric's Sections. Hope this helps

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I'm not sure if I explained myself properly. I'm not trying to overlap within the EA section. I just want to know if I should mention stuff in the EA section that was in employment. If that's what you understood than forgive me.



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Guest monksters

No worries..


Actually you were clear in your initial question. As I mentioned, I personnally had overlap between employment and EA section, and was not punished for it. But since I put my respiratory tech position in employment as well as 'service section' they did ask me in my interview whether it was a paid position, but that was about it. Good luck on your app's!



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Guest McCarey007

Hmmm...Does our employment history contribute to our Non-academic score??? If it doesn't, it would make more sense to put things like research into the non-academic list instead of the employment list.

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Guest soapyslicer

Remember that last year the application was quite different. The application states quite clearly that you may not overlap except in the one case. They have made the employment stuff part of you EA. I think by looking at the print out it is clearly all together. I placed my Employment with employment. There are some experiences I have had with my employment that I noted seperatly. You only get so many lines so be careful. You don't want to use up space repeating yourself.


PS your employment does contribute to you EA if the employment say....was such that it had leadership component!



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