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Accepted/Rejected/Waitlisted??? (for current applicants)

Guest Ian Wong

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Albany: wrighm6 (S+)


Boston University: Hackintosh (S+), JC5 (S+), mystery_chick (S+)


Case Western Reserve University: foregoneconclusion (S+), JC5 (S+), musicaldna(S+)


EVMS: JC5 (S+)


Georgetown: rmitch8 (S+), emcd (S+), musicaldna (S+), foregoneconclusion (S+)


Mayo Clinic: ChicoMaki (S-), foregoneconclusion (S-), c17h (S-), rmitch8 (LOR received 8/20), emcd (S+), musicaldna (S+), Rach (S+), JC5 (S+)


U Chicago - Pritzker: ChicoMaki (S+), James23 (S+)


U Minnesota - Twin Cities: wrighm6 (S+), JC5 (S+)


SUNY Upstate: foregoneconclusion (S+, pre-interview hold = rejection based on SDN), ChicoMaki (S+, pre-interview hold), musicaldna (S+, pre-int hold), premed11 (S+, pre-interview hold)


Tulane: Rach (S+)


Vanderbilt: c17h (S-), ChicoMaki (S-), viscous (S-), foregoneconclusion (S-), musicaldna (S-), Rach (S-), James23 (S-)

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Hey Sorry about Case Musicaldna. If you don't mind, when were you complete. I was complete in late August and haven't heard anything yet.


Albany: wrighm6 (S+)


Boston University: Hackintosh (S+), JC5 (S+), mystery_chick (S+)


Case Western Reserve University: foregoneconclusion (S+), JC5 (S+), musicaldna(S+)


EVMS: JC5 (S+)


Georgetown: rmitch8 (S+), emcd (S+), musicaldna (S+), foregoneconclusion (S+)


Mayo Clinic: ChicoMaki (S-), foregoneconclusion (S-), c17h (S-), rmitch8 (LOR received 8/20), emcd (S+), musicaldna (S+), Rach (S+), JC5 (S+)


U Chicago - Pritzker: ChicoMaki (S+), James23 (S+)


U Minnesota - Twin Cities: wrighm6 (S+), JC5 (S+)


SUNY Upstate: foregoneconclusion (S+, pre-interview hold = rejection based on SDN), ChicoMaki (S+, pre-interview hold), musicaldna (S+, pre-int hold), premed11 (S+, pre-interview hold)


Tulane: Rach (S+)


Vanderbilt: c17h (S-), ChicoMaki (S-), viscous (S-), foregoneconclusion (S-), musicaldna (S-), Rach (S-), James23 (S-)

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Hey Sorry about Case Musicaldna. If you don't mind, when were you complete. I was complete in late August and haven't heard anything yet.


Hey Chico, did you check your status page? I was complete in late August but was put on hold so I didn't get an email about that... some people on SDN apparently found out about their interview from the status page...

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I've been checking everyday for the past 2.5 weeks (yea a little complusive). I was complete August 25 (submitted Aug 4, but last reference letter held my app up). I'm just trying to see where I stand in terms of applicants and base on what I've read, I'm in the pack where roughly 50% of applications come in (Aug-Sept) as I figure the first 25% are in July and last 25% in October/November.

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Guest viscous
I've been checking everyday for the past 2.5 weeks (yea a little complusive). I was complete August 25 (submitted Aug 4, but last reference letter held my app up). I'm just trying to see where I stand in terms of applicants and base on what I've read, I'm in the pack where roughly 50% of applications come in (Aug-Sept) as I figure the first 25% are in July and last 25% in October/November.


I think we have to separate those who completed in September from those who were complete in August. Many who were complete in August have received invites. I was complete at most in mid of September and have not received anything yet. Could be deficiencies in my application.

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That's what I've heard. I'm actually really interested in CCLCM so I'll wait until next week to start bugging them. I did send them an update like a week after I was complete letting them know the results of abstracts I had submitted to conferences that were mentioned in my primary.


Any thoughts on how to draft a LoI as I've never written one.

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Guest viscous
Well I think the LoI that you are going to be firing is of the nature of "it's the thought that counts". The basis of your LoI is to do extensive research about the school. Talk those that interviewed, students that are there, and see what the pros of the schools are. Then review your strengths and accomplishments and see why you can make the most out of what the school has to offer.


Easy to do in principle, the challenge is coming off eloquent and convincing. Send it to Christian Essman or Dr. Lina Mehta directly.


Is that also applicable to me? Although I only applied to "university" program and not CCLCM.

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Albany: wrighm6 (S+)


Boston University: Hackintosh (S+), JC5 (S+), mystery_chick (S+)


Case Western Reserve University: foregoneconclusion (S+), JC5 (S+), musicaldna(S+)


Duke: JC5 (S+ via status page)


EVMS: JC5 (S+)


Georgetown: rmitch8 (S+), emcd (S+), musicaldna (S+), foregoneconclusion (S+)


Mayo Clinic: ChicoMaki (S-), foregoneconclusion (S-), c17h (S-), rmitch8 (LOR received 8/20), emcd (S+), musicaldna (S+), Rach (S+), JC5 (S+)


U Chicago - Pritzker: ChicoMaki (S+), James23 (S+)


U Minnesota - Twin Cities: wrighm6 (S+), JC5 (S+)


SUNY Upstate: foregoneconclusion (S+, pre-interview hold = rejection based on SDN), ChicoMaki (S+, pre-interview hold), musicaldna (S+, pre-int hold), premed11 (S+, pre-interview hold)


Tulane: Rach (S+)


Vanderbilt: c17h (S-), ChicoMaki (S-), viscous (S-), foregoneconclusion (S-), musicaldna (S-), Rach (S-), James23 (S-)

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c17h did I read on SDN that you were accepted to Jefferson?




Yeah I just saw that too, congrats c17h!


congrats c17h!


congrats rmitch8 and c17h!


Start the accepted list! Congrats!


Thank you guys so, so much!! :D I hope you all hear back from your schools soon...and get good news as well.


My student interviewer told me that Jefferson gives out acceptances via phone call and the first ones were going out today, so I had my phone in my hand all day (slightly neurotic, I know...)...but I had to put my phone down for about 5 minutes to help my friend moves some boxes...and those five minutes were exactly when the dean called!! :P

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I followed the format for last year's accepted/waitlisted/rejected list...




Jefferson: c17h

SUNY: rmitch 8








Albany: wrighm6 (S+)

Boston University: Hackintosh (S+), JC5 (S+), mystery_chick (S+)

Case Western Reserve University: foregoneconclusion (S+), JC5 (S+), musicaldna(S+)

Duke: JC5 (S+ via status page)

EVMS: JC5 (S+)

Georgetown: rmitch8 (S+), emcd (S+), musicaldna (S+), foregoneconclusion (S+)

Mayo Clinic: ChicoMaki (S-), foregoneconclusion (S-), c17h (S-), rmitch8 (LOR received 8/20), emcd (S+), musicaldna (S+), Rach (S+), JC5 (S+)

U Chicago - Pritzker: ChicoMaki (S+), James23 (S+)

U Minnesota - Twin Cities: wrighm6 (S+), JC5 (S+)

SUNY Upstate: foregoneconclusion (S+, pre-interview hold = rejection based on SDN), ChicoMaki (S+, pre-interview hold), musicaldna (S+, pre-int hold), premed11 (S+, pre-interview hold)

Tulane: Rach (S+)

Vanderbilt: c17h (S-), ChicoMaki (S-), viscous (S-), foregoneconclusion (S-), musicaldna (S-), Rach (S-), James23 (S-)



In previous years, people accepted also posted their stats. So, just in case anyone was wondering, my stats are available at MD Apps 17627.


To rmitch, congratulations!!

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c17h, are you canadian? because i notice you did your undergrad in michigan.


Yes, I am Canadian and studying at the University of Toronto (fourth year).


Sorry, when I first created my account... I was fooling around with the settings, including my age (which I set to being born in 1966), location and school and all that. Today, I noticed that I had forgotten to change it, so I corrected everything...except for my age...;)

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