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taking first year lvl course in second year

Guest archchivalry

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Guest archchivalry

I'm planning to take one first year level course on my second year of Genetics at Western.


I'm just wondering whether that will affect my application or not when I'm applying to med school in U.S.


Do they care about the level of courses?(Like they do in McMaster) or not care about at all.


I heard for McMaster, you need 10 full-courses above 2nd year level if you want to apply after 3 years..

Is there something like that in U.S.?

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No, US schools don't care about what year you did what class in. I never understood why Canadian schools cared. What if you decided to take a couple years off after high school and then went back to school? Or what if you did one degree and then decided you wanted to do medicine and went back to take the prereqs. Would you be penalized for taking introductory biology when you're 24 years old? Who really cares.

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