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USMLE in Canada?

Guest Gavanshir

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Guest Gavanshir



I'm wondering if Canadian medical schools incorporate the USMLE into their curriculum. Do Canadian medstudents have to pass Step 1 before being allowed to move on to their next years of medschool? Or, do they just study for the exam in their own time in order to be able to practice in the states?


I know that Ontario recently accepted the USMLE for its licensing and that Quebec does not require any examination as long as you are a Quebec school graduate.


Thanks for any insight.

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The Ontario medical schools do not incorporate USMLE into their curriculum... it is an American test, and Canadian students that intend to stay in Canada do not write it. That said, some of my classmates have chosen to write the USMLE during their summers. Some are intending to go to the US for residency (usually due to family/significant others that are already in the US), others are writing it 'just in case' they ever decide to go to the US... because it is a huge pain to go back and study all of the basic science stuff for the USMLE part 1 once it has been dumped from your memory. I chose not to write the USMLE... mostly because I do not plan to go to the states, and the cost to write all three steps and do the CS exams for step 2 and 3 are a little overwhelming if you don't need to do the exam at all.

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Guest quebecboy

Hey Gavanshir,


Although you aren't obliged to pass a national/provincial exam to keep going in medical school (no canadian school requires this), you must pass the LMCC part one at the end of 4th year, like everywhere else. The only difference is that Quebec doesn't require LMCC2, which is done during residency.


"I know that Ontario recently accepted the USMLE for its licensing and that Quebec does not require any examination as long as you are a Quebec school graduate. "


Once you're finished residency, you must pass exams in Quebec (specific to your specialty, plus legislative exam (ALDO), plus french exam if you're from McGill or elsewhere) from the College des Médecins du Québec before obtaining your license, whether or not you have a diploma from a Quebec school





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