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Not from Northern Ontario

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I still suck at math.. sue me- done in 2 minutes flat while brushing my teeth and getting ready for work... and when I glanced at the table quickly- I thought it was a percentage of the ontario population and not for the city... anyways in Sudbury, the percentage of aboriginal people is still more than 2-3% and we'll leave it at that. I still think that I'll be a good physician (as I was a good nurse), even if I suck at math... its important to know our weaknesses after all, and I know that's one of mine. I guess that others also thought I had some good 'physician' qualities, since they did offer me admission



regardless of my rant, original message asked what 'points' were for aboriginal and francophone applicants.. I still don't know.. ask the admin

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Oh God!


....note that many medical schools all you need is an undergard to get in, could be in music or basket weaving.... they are not looking for geniuses...just doctors....but this is another touchy discussion.





Undergard? Is that some kind of unisex athletic support/protection device? Or is it an underwear liner to "gard" against my premed-weenie tendency to dribble a bit every time the mailman places something in the box? Thus protecting me from unsightly and embarassing moments among my premed-weenie peers. I just saw my scores from my UBC file review and, while I'm no expert, *I really think* I need more than an Undergard© for next time round.

BF, I think you need a BFF to share some MMMs with. Seriously, get less serious and smell the roses while you can. You're staring to rank pretty high among Trolls that have trolled these boards for the last 4-5 years....in my opinion. :rolleyes:



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Haha...we've all needed an undergard at some point! hehe good one!


K_bieska..."chill", why? I have done a lot of thinking about "stuff". You should encourage people to think...furthermore, encourage people to give their opinions...even if they are caustic.


IgJ...nice that you have done a masters and also currently completing another undergrad in medicine...or should i say undergard. I personally found masters work a waste of time, same for my PHD...however my MD was very interesting...perhaps we should sit and talk one day (educate you) about stats and how they perpetuate a failing system. Further, how those that defend them know nothing about them... :)



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This is getting a little ridiculous.


Hello there superchargedman.


Yes, i agree, the rediculousness lies in the fact that students that post on this forum for the most part are not educated enough to attend medical school. They, in all good intentions have the cognitive ability but are just too "conceptually-simple" at this point to be effective and critical physicians. It is an issue of the undergraduate or university system...it is evident in the fact that everything i write on this forum is interpreted with emotions. The facts i present are huge issues in the real world. I understand that most prefer to live their life out as drones, but as medical students (pre or post) we should strive for a little bit more then whats conveniently placed on our plate....so to speak....so yes, you are right this is all rediculous. I expected more from this forum.

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Haha...we've all needed an undergard at some point! hehe good one!


K_bieska..."chill", why? I have done a lot of thinking about "stuff". You should encourage people to think...furthermore, encourage people to give their opinions...even if they are caustic.


IgJ...nice that you have done a masters and also currently completing another undergrad in medicine...or should i say undergard. I personally found masters work a waste of time, same for my PHD...however my MD was very interesting...perhaps we should sit and talk one day (educate you) about stats and how they perpetuate a failing system. Further, how those that defend them know nothing about them... :)




So, you have an undergrad, a Master's, a Ph.D., and an M.D. Yet, it boggles the mind how deficient you are. You are actually criticizing the posts that validly criticized Nurse Nathalie's use of statistics? You are telling these posters that they are "undergrads" and that they need to think outside the box? Perhaps you could clear things up. What does pointing out an egregious mathematical error have anything to do with "thinking outside the box?"


My personal opinion is that Canadian history and contemporary politics has no place in medical school admissions. Rather, admissions should be based on merit alone. If med schools relinquish merit for the sake of demographics, they'll end up graduating a bunch of quacks - and there are enough quacks in Canadian health care system already.


Absolutely no extra points should be given to an applicant on the sole basis that she or he is "underrepresented." At least not when it comes to jobs that require certain specialized skill.

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Okay its too late to say that I'm not going to take any of this personally but!


The topic thread is "Not from NO" and the last response I gave was right on cue to this. No one has added any other thoughts aside from getting into debates that have nothing to do with this thread! LOL


I officially retire from this website. Signing off KIdha !

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"You are actually criticizing the posts that validly criticized Nurse Nathalie's use of statistics"....Yes i am/did....and yes NN was wrong with her stats assesment....as i stated....their posts were valid, as are all opinions but as usual people can see no further then they can point...


"What does pointing out an egregious mathematical error have anything to do with "thinking outside the box?"...nothing, they were not thinking outside of the box...thats my point....the fact that people only see and post about NN's error...that is, failing to see the real issue behind what NN was writing about...stats are reserved for people who dont know better and are lazy in their pursuits as a physician.


"My personal opinion is that Canadian history and contemporary politics has no place in medical school admissions"...wow!...haha...poor you! really, thats all i can say on this one...haha...what a foolish thing to say.


"they'll end up graduating a bunch of quacks"...quacks that will pass the same licensing exams.


"So, you have an undergrad, a Master's, a Ph.D., and an M.D."...actually, thats two masters...and also a doctorate of science but who cares about them...



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Okay its too late to say that I'm not going to take any of this personally but!


The topic thread is "Not from NO" and the last response I gave was right on cue to this. No one has added any other thoughts aside from getting into debates that have nothing to do with this thread! LOL


I officially retire from this website. Signing off KIdha !


Kidha...Chill...hahaha just joking...


Sorry to have disapointed you with all our "debates". You are right it should be in a different thread....but dont run off b/c of this!?



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I think we should try to stick to the thread topic. I suggest that you start another thread where you voice your opinions, which many find to be irrelevant and pompous. I'm going to take the initiative and stop responding after this.


"many find to be irrelevant and pompous"....yes, exactly...you've made another perfect example of conceptual simplicity and emotional misjudgement...the irrelevancy is found in that you or others have no functional knowlege, and the impression of pompousness is found in that you lack any skill and when i say what it is i have said your (and others) ego gets bruised....and you have nothing to say that challenges me.



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to try put a positive spin after publically humiliating myself ... :)


1) To err is human. To accept and acknowledge our mistakes and hold our head up and say 'oops.. messed up on that one'- well, that's a skill too.


2) took the oportunity to reflect, so I am thankful this was sent my way this week.. Ego was what was driving me that day- I was told I was wrong, and I wanted to justify myself, it was Ego pure and simple... I didn't stop to think, I just RE-acted... at least this incident made me laugh at myself, take myself less seriously, and learn to correct my erroneous thinking. there is no room for ego in medicine.


here's a chance for everyone to learn too.. lets pretend this happened in tutorial (because yes, things like this happen)... one of your classmates presents information that is so obviously wrong- you have two choices.


YOu can jump down their throat, humiliate them and get to 'show everyone in the group how YOU know it... and how good you are at stats... or you can take the opportunity to teach them so they learn and be better informed afterwards...

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