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Other Information Section

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i think they would want you to put that information in anyway. i know i did. it also proves that you are realistic, that you know that your chances of getting into a medical school are only about 1/4, and that you've made appropriate arrangements in light of that.


though i can't say for certain, i'd imagine that a reviewer might see an empty space in your application and think poorly of your ability to follow instructions. can't have that happening, now can we? ;)


Are we actually supposed to put something in this field?:


"Please outline your alternate plans if you do not make it into a medical program"


If you don't include anything, there's still a check next to the "Other Information" section in the application.


What did you guys do? Thanks in advance.

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Hi there,


At this point everyone should be thinking about a Plan B if the application to medical school does not work. Even if the Plan B is to re-apply, there are components that you can work on to strengthen a subsequent application. Minimally, it's good for your mental health to know that you have a safety net if this year's application doesn't work out positively.




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