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Dates for Awards & Achievements

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I think I mixed the two together depending on what the award was. Eg for Dean's List type awards I might put the entire year, but for awards that you apply for that aren't based on a specific term I might put just the date it was awarded. For awards which were transcripted, I think I tried to match up the dates as much as possible.


Seriously, it doesn't matter! Just be honest and do what makes sense to you and it'll be fine.

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Hi there,


In my application I used the date ranges for which the award was applicable. So if it was a scholarship, the dates of the period to which that scholarship applied. If it was an athletic award, for example, then I'd insert the dates for that athletic season. I'd imagine that most academic awards are affiliated with a span of time, i.e., a given academic year or degree (if you've received a full undergraduate or graduate scholarship, for example).




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