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Detailed sketch

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When they're evaluating the detailed sketch, will they see it on its own or with the information entered in the general sketch? I'm confused because Ottawa says to note position in the detailed sketch, but I've already put that in the general one - is listing it again necessary, or redundant? When I emailed Ottawa they said only the specific one would be evaluated, though the evaluator would also have access to the general one, which didn't clarify much.


Thanks very much for any help!

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. Once you have completed the OMSAS Autobiographic Sketch, you will be prompted to provide more specific details for several of the categories.


I interpret this as the general and specific will be together.


I have a new question though. They are asking for just our responsibilities but I thought we should also indicate what we've learned from our experiences. I'm currently arguing with my boyfriend/editor about this. Any insight would really be appreciated.


btw, under his scheme, I still have 25+ characters left over, if learning is a bonus is that good too?


Thanks folks!

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Is it bad if we expanded on a few activities that were not done after secondary studies? :o


i.e. should i go back and remove the info from the expansion before submitting?

or just leave it?


it says you are only required to do on ones after secondary.... will we be penalized if we had expanded on secondary ones? Don't mind quickly just taking it out... but just since I wasted the time and put them in there anyway, I wasn't sure whether to just leave them or not.


Thx guys! You rock.

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To my knowledge you won`t be penalized for expanding on items you did outside of post-secondary education. However, you won`t be given credit either. They just won't look at it.


Also, I am not really sure about this "external company" that evaluates the sketches people are mentionning. I've seen it a couple of times. I know some staff members at school who have reviewed sketches and continue to do so who are not part of any company. :confused:


Essentially all that matters though is that your sketch gets reviewed and there is a standard marking scheme.



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Is it bad if we expanded on a few activities that were not done after secondary studies? :o


i.e. should i go back and remove the info from the expansion before submitting?

or just leave it?


it says you are only required to do on ones after secondary.... will we be penalized if we had expanded on secondary ones? Don't mind quickly just taking it out... but just since I wasted the time and put them in there anyway, I wasn't sure whether to just leave them or not.


Thx guys! You rock.

I left mine in.

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