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pre-reqs after a bachelor's

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oh man oh man. this is getting more and more complicated the more i learn. and before someone tells me that i should be putting more time and thought into reading med school websites, i HAVE put a lot of time and thought into this (seven years, in fact) and i have not yet found an answer to a number of things that have come up since graduating with a BA (three years ago) and now doing my pre-requisites at a local university...


so does anyone know, if we do our pre-reqs outside of our degree program, do they count towards our GPA? do med schools even acknowledge that we have taken them? will it STILL look like i'm missing half of my pre-reqs, simply because they weren't in my original degree?


am i forever ineligible to go to medical school in canada????

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some schools do not include courses done during the summer or if they are not taken with a full corse load. This does not mean that they won't count towards satisfying the requirements, they just won't show up in your GPA.


From what I know, most schools will count summer courses and pre-reqs done outside of a full course load and they do go toward satisfying your requirements, however they will not be counted toward your cumulative gpa. They will only be counted toward your pre-req gpa.

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