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Experiences: Applying to US Schools

The Law

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I just wanted to see if anybody would like to share their first hand knowledge of what it is like to apply to a US medical school... if you guys could share what schools you applied to, what appealed to them about you, if you interviewed- what it was like, etc.


Thanks for any replies!

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schools i applied to - too many to remember! penn state, suny upstate, rosalind franklin (one's i interviewed at)


why i picked them - i used a list that was on the 'old board' that consisted of US med schools that were 'friendly to canadian applicants.' following that, i looked at the in-state vs. out-of-state ratio and how competitive my stats (GPA + MCAT) were to the avg of each school (i used the MSAR for this). then i looked at the programs and picked the ones that suited me.


interviews - awesome!! i loved all my US interviews. they were far better than any canadian interview in my experience. so much more relaxed. the interviewers really wanted to get to know YOU. the atomosphere was very friendly. the entire interview day was planned really well at each school.


hope this helps!

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I echo what madz said – I applied to the US as a backup and wound up liking my US interviews (and ultimately schools) more than those in Canada. I interviewed at Columbia, Harvard & Stanford. The experience in the US was much more personal and welcoming. US schools were really trying to sell themselves. In the end however, the cost of the US MD is too great and I could not justify declining a spot in Canada.

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