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Study tips???

Guest snap2005

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Guest Future MSFer



They're easy to carry around everywhere. They are small so you are forced to SUMMARIZE concepts. And GOOD for memorizing stuff. You can right on them, draw on them and use both sides for definitions and key words. Also, for memorization, I find that if you take a 10 min break then try to recall with you did 10 min ago, it REALLY helps. The more you try to recall what you studied, the better you will recall it during an exam.


Okay, well anything to do with math… well practice makes perfect. Unfortunately Q- cards don't work there. :(


Other than that, stay organized....but I shouldn't talk, I'm the Queen of Procrastination. I REALLY got to get that under control before Med school.


Oh and one more thing. SLEEP. Try not to pull all-nighters. Even if you can only fit in 3 hours of sleep, do it. You have no idea how much your memory relies on rest! I find that if I pull all-nighter I have a harder time recalling things, compared to if I get a couple of hours of sleep before the exam/ mid term.


Note to self, No more all-nighters (…yea right!)

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Guest CoconutSmasher

It took me a while to figure out that I should do what works for me. That may sound silly, but it's simple and true. Took me longer than most:)


I LOVE to study at the coffee shop. I think that the random, unfamiliar noise of a public place is easily filtered out...acts like white noise for the "lazy-ass, party-part" of the brain. When I was in my late twenties, I did every ounce of studying for my MCAT at the coffee shop beside where I was working at the time. 11's and a Q, so it worked for me. Only one drawback to this system....it will bankrupt you if you are not careful (and balloon me up to 500lbs if I go for the treats as well!!)


So now that I've adapted to a more balanced system the one thing that I added to my den is a giant dry-erase board. I used to have great success studying late--you know, the time when your eyes just won't stay open--in a tutorial room with large chalk boards. Standing up, dancing, walking around and writing on the board force my body to access fuel a little better as your muscles need to have fuel as well as your brain at this point. If I just stay seated when I'm feeling fatigued or have been going for a while, I'll start to do the head bob and nothing will sink in.


One last thing. I put virtually everything that I can find or I can produce in some sort of e-form, onto my Palm pilot. I ALWAYS have my palm with me and can study almost anything at any time. I had an entire MCAT study review website on there!!! VERY convenient!!





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Guest 2Late2Learn

What a great idea!


Since it worked so well for you - is there any chance of making your MCAT study stuff available for other people's palms? (mine is rather empty at the moment w/regard to mcat stuff)


Just wondering.

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Guest drews97

Here are some tips for Queen's medicine:


If they say, "this will be on the test", disregard it completely because it won't be on the test anywhere.


If they say, "you don't need to memorize this diagram", you'd better know the (expletive) thing back to front!!


You can be guaranteed at least one short answer question from every optional afternoon class such as "smoking in family physicians"....so go to these as well.


Don't waste too much time trying to learn large concepts like seizures, strokes, MI's, etc....instead know back to front the obscure diseases that you might (if you do a fellowship in New York city) see once in your life.


If you follow these tips you are sure to do well on all the tests at Queen's medicine:p

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Guest CoconutSmasher

Specifically, the MCAT stuff was just a website that I "downloaded" for my palm. I use a piece of software called isilo and isiloX. You can plug in a URL and define the linkdepth and download the entire website complete with links, in a format that you can read on your palm. Here is the URL for the software and the MCAT site I used (Note: this site was not bad, but the books from the Kaplan course were THE best resource. I didn't take the course but had the books. If it isn't in those books, it isn't on the MCAT; so they say!)






Hope it helps. Any other palm stuff, feel free to PM me.




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