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U of C undergrad-->competitive residency??

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i've been wondering, and hoping to get some feedback from U of C students / grads....

while students from other schools (4year programs) have the opportunity to get more experience (volunteerism, research) during the summer months, u of c students are booked up with coursework...

maybe this would be a handicap if one ends up considering a very competitive residency???

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Actually, during our first year we had a maximum of seven weeks to spend during the summer, four of which were required to be in electives. Some folks used all 7 weeks for electives. Given that many of our grads match to competitive residencies, e.g., two people matched to Plastics last year, a number to Rads, and at least one to Emerg (among a few) I don't think that our three-year program is too much of a factor when a UofC student attempts to match to a competitive residency. (You might wish to ask a similar question to the McMaster students who also undergo a three-year medical school curriculum.)




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