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MSAR and application 2008


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AMCAS application for 2008 should be available around May 15th 2007. The application usually goes up mid-May.


As for the MSAR, I wanna say March but I'm not 100% sure. Don't sit around waiting for the new MSAR if it's going to delay your application. A year old copy wont make much of a difference (unless prereqs change - you should check that on the school's website anyway to confirm).


July 2007 should be OK, but as always when applying to US schools: the earlier, the better. The earliest day to submit your application should be June 1st, as it has been in the past.


The section that will take the longest to complete, ofcourse, will be the essay (why do you want to be a doc). Filling out course history is annoying too. After that, it's a matter of how fast your application is processed/verified, how fast you get your secondaries and complete them, and how efficient your referees are in sending your letters.


Hope this helps.

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Do you know when the new msar and application for 2008 become available?

Is July 2007 still a good date to apply for american schools?


Usually J months are fine. But like Madz said that might not be the limiting factor. The rate of completion of secondaries, LORs are important too.


If I were you, I would ask your referees to submit their LORs onto interfolio.com, starting now :). I would finish my PS during the spring break/right after exams. Send transcripts to AMCAS on May 15th (or after your 3rd year marks are in which usually that date anyways).


Submit on June 5th....and start writing on the secondary essays, which can usually be found on the website. This way you dont miss the first wave of interviews! Trust me this matters...


Also I fould USnews.com along with MSAR very useful

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for the references ..is there a specific format they have to be? (or is it the same for each school)

Also, is there a template available that you can give to your referees to help them with what format to follow?

You think we need to give our referees this much time? If we are submitting in June ..wouldn't it be ok to give a month or 2 notice...so like ask them in the beginning of april?


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Format - regular reference letter...no additional form or anything. Here's a website that has tips for referees writing letters for med applicants:



Give your referees as much time as you think they'll need. You may just want to ask them now - kind of give them a heads up and make sure they're willing to do it. You dont want to be panicking in April/May when you realize that you need another referee but can't get one.


Also, keep in mind that most US schools want letters only from professors that have taught you and/or supervised you for a project. Some also want letters from both, science AND non-science professors. Other schools require letters from professors, but will accept additional letters from non-academic referees on top of the academic referee letters.


Hope this helps!

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I'm actually seeing one of my professors in an hour to ask for a reference letter, I can start my essays pretty early too.

My problem is MCAT, mine is 31st of may and I can't do it before just not to jeopardize my school marks, which are equally important.

Can I apply without the MCAT marks being up?

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I'm actually seeing one of my professors in an hour to ask for a reference letter, I can start my essays pretty early too.

My problem is MCAT, mine is 31st of may and I can't do it before just not to jeopardize my school marks, which are equally important.

Can I apply without the MCAT marks being up?


YES. if you take it may 31st, your results will come out sometime first week of July. I suggest you go ahead with the AMCAS primary and secondaries...if you did bad, you can still take it again...so there is not a risk of losing money, which was the case when there were only 2 MCAT sittings per year.

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for the references ..is there a specific format they have to be? (or is it the same for each school)

Also, is there a template available that you can give to your referees to help them with what format to follow?

You think we need to give our referees this much time? If we are submitting in June ..wouldn't it be ok to give a month or 2 notice...so like ask them in the beginning of april?



My personal experience is profs are pretty slow. Give them a hard May 1st due date... so you have at least a month of jiggling room.


Also...remember usually you need atleast 2 science letters and 1 non-science academic letter. Some schools infact require you to have a science letter from a prof that has taught you in a course. But those schools are rare (NYMC, NYU)...

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...I saw the 2007-2008 MSAR on Amazon.com on Sunday...?:confused:


Yeah, it was released in April 30, 2006. The 2007-2008 one would be for people that just applied as they would be applying for admission for the year 2007-2008 (for instance, I used MSAR 2006-2007). For people applying this coming cycle, they would be applying for 2008-2009 (which would be MSAR 2008-2009). I guess the new one will come out end of April 2007 then...


Sorry for all the numbers lol.

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Yeah, it was released in April 30, 2006. The 2007-2008 one would be for people that just applied as they would be applying for admission for the year 2007-2008 (for instance, I used MSAR 2006-2007). For people applying this coming cycle, they would be applying for 2008-2009 (which would be MSAR 2008-2009). I guess the new one will come out end of April 2007 then...


Sorry for all the numbers lol.

Ah, I get it now. Thanks!

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that sucks that for some schools they have to be all profs.. do they not conisder other references at all? I was planning on getting one from a nurse I work with and know very well.



I personally had 2 extra ones. One from a MD I shadowed and another MD who I worked on a project with.


MOST schools accept more than 3 references letters, in fact some encourage more...But I wont send them more than 5...


THis is what I had:


1 prof who I was a summer student with for 2 years. Coincidently he also taught me in a class. This was awesome because I could use him as my science lecture LOR (which is mandatory at atleast 2 schools; NYMC and NYU).


1 prof who I did a second year project with. I could also use him as a science lecture LOR because I got a credit from the project.


1 prof from a non-science discipline. If you are a UofT student, I got it from John Traill, who teaches Latin and Greek Scientific terminology. Super nice guy, he wrote me a good one even though I got a pretty bad mark in that class.


1 MD. I worked on a project with him designing webpages...


1 MD. Also a coordinator for a relief organization. I worked on a project with him overseas.


Hope this helps...

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wow those references look impressive.

Personally, I'm havign trouble getting 3 lol

I don't really like the idea of getting them all from a prof that taught you..

Do you know what schools (of those accepting canadians) ask for this spiecifically..ie. 3 from profs that taught you?

I mean, I can get one from a prof that taught me, a prof I did summer research for, and the nurse I worked with.. then If I had to I could get another prof that taught me but he pretty much doesn't really know me that well.


Anyway I looked up some schools from that list someone posted that accpets canadians.. adn I know U of vermont req. 3 profs that taught you I think.. and so does baylor (altho i think they accept one that is non prof)

any others?

Also, is it ok to get one from a prof that just taught you for a half course? If you came in for their office hours etc and they know you somewhat?

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From the UVM website:


How many letters of recommendation can I submit?


If your college has a pre-professional advisory committee you must submit a letter from this committee or explain in writing why you cannot submit a committee letter. If your school does not have such a committee we require two letters from science professors with whom you have taken classes for a grade and one additional letter from another professor. In addition you may submit one additional letter from persons who know you and can detail your qualifications to attend medical school. Please do not send more than four letters of recommendation.


It's best to check each individual websites. There are way too many and I cant remember them all :P. Also you should have one non-science.


Ya half credit courses are fine....

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so, UVM doesn't req all 3 to be from a prof that taught you then.. Ithougth I read that on their website.. guess it must have been somewhere else.


I just want to know if there are any schools that REQUIRE 3 letters form a prof that taught you for a grade. I could get 2 but 3 would be stretching it.


When you guys aska prof for a letter.. how well do they really know you? I mean, what more can you do then do well in the course, go in during office hours? (assuming you are not working in his/her lab)

I just kind of feel like that is still not enough. Especially, since I was planning on asking a prof that I've had for my 4th year and I've always gone to the extra tutorials (which are big in number so it's not like she sees me) but haven't gone in to office hours that much. but have started to more now this semester.

It just feels like that's not enough for them to get to know you and to stand out...

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Do you mind me asking how much is the tuition at UVM and if it was hard getting the money secured?


UVM tution - 46,105 (Tution: 42,850, Fees: 1,575, Insurance: 1,680). Cost of living is estimated to be around 10 K. S0 I am looking at 56 K a year. :(


It's cheap compared to Wayne state which comes around 66 K a year. :eek:


Here is a list of schools and their tuitions.


I havent looked into securing money but I been told it's not that bad. I probably take a loan out from 225K from RBC (I do banking with them and my dad's gonna be a co-signer). Most students take 2 lines of credit. Getting the acceptance is harder than getting money ;)


Do they ask for an escrow account?


Luckly, it's not escrow...most schools are escrow for international students. Yet again, here is a list :).


Hope this helps

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so, UVM doesn't req all 3 to be from a prof that taught you then.. Ithougth I read that on their website.. guess it must have been somewhere else.


I just want to know if there are any schools that REQUIRE 3 letters form a prof that taught you for a grade. I could get 2 but 3 would be stretching it.



Well if you read that over again, you will notice it says you require 3 letters from PROFESSORS. So you were right initially.


I personally dont remember all the schools that REQUIRE 3 letters from profs. You know how many schools I applied to? ...hahaha...Just google "the school name + medicine and reference letters"...the first hit will be all the info you need about it. I guarantee you :D. But MOST require at least 2 science letters (doesnt have to be class)...very few require non-sceince prof letters. All accept "people outside academia" letters, in fact some encourage it, like UVM ....




When you guys aska prof for a letter.. how well do they really know you? I mean, what more can you do then do well in the course, go in during office hours? (assuming you are not working in his/her lab)

I just kind of feel like that is still not enough. Especially, since I was planning on asking a prof that I've had for my 4th year and I've always gone to the extra tutorials (which are big in number so it's not like she sees me) but haven't gone in to office hours that much. but have started to more now this semester. It just feels like that's not enough for them to get to know you and to stand out...


as I told you, I had 2 letters from profs who i did research for. Luckly they were also ppl who taught me in a classroom type setting :).


But my third letter (From John Traill) was from a class that had 300 kids in it...and I got a horrible mark (a B). Well thats because I failed the exam (I had an A+ going in lol). But I was really desperate, I needed a LOR. Despite the fact that I failed that exam, I asked him for a letter...cause I worked hard in that course :P. I could not help the fact that I had 5 exams in 3 days. DAMM YOU UofT!!!


He wasnt my first choice, I emailed my english prof (Where I got a A in), but he basically ignored me...so like they say "desperate measure call for desperate action"....I emailed Mr. Traill, and he said he was more than happy to write one for me. He said even though I got a B in his class and did not know me at all, he would write me a strong letter. I gave him my resume and transcripts...he even asked for the name of my essay I wrote in his class...


So, what I am saying is it really depends on who you ask. But if you do ask them, make sure you tell them that you will give them your resume, transripts and do anything you ask. Even tell them that you are willing to write the letter, and all they have to do is edit and sign. I know couple ppl who did this...and it's fine :)


anyways, good luck to you. sorry for this long post...


P.S by the way it worked....I got accepted with his letter

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Thanks a lot you are really helpful.

I think I will need to spend some time soon picking up the top 10 cheapest/no-escrow. Suny and Meharry are amongst the cheapest however both require escrow accounts.

Is there a possibility of working in the states while studying?

I'm up from a 3.56 to 3.61 cgpa in one semester, hopefully it will be up to 3.64 by the time I apply, I have an excellent science gpa, But haven't done my MCAT yet.

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Thanks a lot you are really helpful.

I think I will need to spend some time soon picking up the top 10 cheapest/no-escrow. Suny and Meharry are amongst the cheapest however both require escrow accounts.

Is there a possibility of working in the states while studying?

I'm up from a 3.56 to 3.61 cgpa in one semester, hopefully it will be up to 3.64 by the time I apply, I have an excellent science gpa, But haven't done my MCAT yet.


dude trust me. dont worry ABOUT LOANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will earn 300-400 US minimum if you choose to specialize. and 150 US minimum if you choose primary care. Thats plenty of money to pay the loans back. My advice to you is work hard in med school and secure a specializing residency like surgery (thats what I am gonna do)....


There is a reason why it's so tough to get into medicine. Remember, all international students pay as much as OOS students. And you will see plenty of OOS in your class...there is a reason for that...medicine is not only personally satisfying but also financially. ;)


Edit: Your gpa is super...match that with your MCAt's and you are in!

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But, for UVM in the quotation that you provided ..it says the third letter can be from a professor.. it doesn't say a professor that taught you. So that means it can be a prof you did research over the summer for right? sorry am a little confused lol

that's super nice of that prof to write the letter for you. I think a lot of sci profs prolly get it a lot so maybe they are just annoyed by it already.. did you provide the professor with guidelines on how to write it (like from that website somone posted earlier)?


Yeah and like sony said. I wouldn't worry about the money (atleast I'm not right now toooo much) ..worry about getting in first!


thanks for your help!

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WOW i missed out on a lot of action here lol.


if any of you are wondering...i got letters from 5 professors overall to cover all my bases. 4 that taught me and 1 i worked with in a lab. i didn't use any non-prof letters for the US.......and i dont remember what else was being discussed so i'll end it here.

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But, for UVM in the quotation that you provided ..it says the third letter can be from a professor.. it doesn't say a professor that taught you. So that means it can be a prof you did research over the summer for right? sorry am a little confused lol

that's super nice of that prof to write the letter for you. I think a lot of sci profs prolly get it a lot so maybe they are just annoyed by it already.. did you provide the professor with guidelines on how to write it (like from that website somone posted earlier)?


Yeah and like sony said. I wouldn't worry about the money (atleast I'm not right now toooo much) ..worry about getting in first!


thanks for your help!


yap you are right...doesnt have to be someone who taught you...so LOR from a lab PI should be fine....


Like madz said...get 2 letters from science profs who taught you, 1 letter from non-science prof who taught you, and 2 others can be whatever.


I would try to send out the 2 science ones and non-science ones only if they ASK me I have to. Most schools dont care as long as it is written by a university professor. I say this because the PI ones are the most thougthful.


I was really fortunate that my PI's ended up teaching me in my courses :). So killed 2 birds with 1 stone so to speak...




No the guy who wrote it for me was pretty experienced writing it...he is like 80 years old and still teaching...incredible...lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do we have to buy the msar or is it also available through libraries ... I was looking to find this past year's msar through the uoft library to get some ideas, but couldn't ...


Also, about references, if I choose to use 2 univ profs and one from the post-doc (now research assistant) that supervised me in the lab would that still be ok? One of the profs is not going to be science-related.



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