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how hard is it?

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For Western, sending an e-mail is quite a feat. It's really hard for the people in admissions, I mean they have people calling them left and right, they probably get 100 mindless phone calls a day from people like you and I. Not to mention, that I don't think they would put in that extra hour or so on a Friday night, when Im sure they'd rather be throwing back martini's and garlic bread somewhere on richmond. They should be throwing the e-mails out sometime next week. So do it like Western does it, martini's and garlic bread....mmm

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Don't know if they're planning the same thing this year, but last year UWO gave applicants the opportunity to sign up for their preferred interview date/time via the web.


Do keep in mind that all of this is being run through the office of admissions and student affairs. As much as they know this is a busy and stressful time for applicants, the "student affairs" side of their job takes up a good chunk of their time too.


You've spent at least three years in uni just to get to this point, another day here or there waiting for an email won't kill you. It might feel like it will, but trust me it won't... ;)



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The only interview time slots available for UWO are 10 AM, 11 AM , 1 PM and 2 PM, with very rare 3 PMs. This is regardless of where you are coming from, but it's definitely late enough in the morning that having to wait an extra 10 minutes for a late bus or significant other won't result in disaster!

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For those who have dealt with Western before, are there time reservations for people who have to travel to get there? If I get an invitation late, is it possible that only 7am spots remain, or like Toronto, are all the early spots reserved for local and later spots for non-local?




Again, if it's anything like last year everybody will get an email at roughly the same time directing them to the reservation website. After that it's a free-for-all.


If you're coming from away, I'd personally recommend coming to London the day before your interview. Interviewees will be able to billet with current med students (this is optional, you can also get a hotel room or stay with your grandmother or whatever) and there will be social activities the night before your interview. Billeting with a med student and talking to current students at the interview dinner is probably the single best way to get a feel for what life is like in meds at that school. We were all there not that long ago, so we know what you're going through and can hopefully answer your last minute questions and calm you down a bit.





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