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Ottawa Diversity

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Hi Guys,

This is a quick question for Ottawa med students. I just saw the promo video made by Ottawa Meds. To me, it looks like Ottawa is not as culturally diverse as Western or U of T. Is this true? I know there are a lot of Francophones at Ottawa but what about Asians/South Asians? I didn't see quite as many in the video.

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Definitely not as diverse as UWO or UT, but I think that reflects the local population and the preferential admissions process too. There are quite a few people from Ottawa and smaller towns in Northern Ontario.. if you look at the demographics of those places, you'll see they're not very diverse.


That said, I'm South Asian and I don't feel alienated or isolated at all. I'd say about a quarter of our class is a visible minority so there are people that share a common ethnic background, but honestly I don't feel like that's an issue at all cause everyone is so friendly and welcoming. I must admit it was a bit weird walking into a classroom that wasn't mostly asian/south asian (after going to UT for undergrad).

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He he...I had thought that too when I saw our promo video last year. Didn`t see the final version I dont`think, but what I did see, there was a big emphasis on bilingualism in the program and not a whole lot on other ethnic diversity.


But there is some diversity in the program, less so on the francophone side though. That being said, we still have students of various backgrounds, like Ukranian, Bosnian, Chinese, Métis on the franco side. And some of us aren`t so "visible"...few people ever know that I am part Chinese from looking at me. (I have gotten some amusement from listening to roomates and others go on and on about minorities only to watch then attempt to take their foot out of their mouths around x-mas when my Mom shows up to take me home! he he)

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