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Early Decision

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I opted not to do early decision with undergrad because I wanted to get the best scholarship possible.....but with med school in the US where we all know the costs are going to be about the same everywhere, do you think it would make sense to apply ED to 1 school if you've got a fairly strong preference for it whether for financial or other reason?


Anyone done this? Or have any pros/cons to bring up?


EDIT: Obviously, I'm not talking about doing ED to Yale or some other place that's practically impossible to get into

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As you already know with EDP you can only apply to one school. You can add other schools later on if you aren't successful. The only major down side to that would be that other schools will receive your application later in the cycle (ie. not in the 'J' months) and therefore, will put you at a disadvantage. You get rejected by the EDP... AND you reduce your chances at other schools. If you really feel strongly that you will be accepted to that one school then go for the EDP. In my opinion though, I'd keep my options open and wouldn't want to close any doors.

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I opted not to do early decision with undergrad because I wanted to get the best scholarship possible.....but with med school in the US where we all know the costs are going to be about the same everywhere, do you think it would make sense to apply ED to 1 school if you've got a fairly strong preference for it whether for financial or other reason?


Anyone done this? Or have any pros/cons to bring up?


EDIT: Obviously, I'm not talking about doing ED to Yale or some other place that's practically impossible to get into


You cant apply to any school EDP. You have to have a reason, why they are number one. So usually this involves you living in that area, having friends and family there, or some history with the school (undergrad).


Depending on your stats and school you are applying, overall its not a wise way to go...


ppl EDP because they dont want to waste 5000 dollars on secondaries, interviews, etc. From past posts I know your family is rich, and thus you have the money :). So this defeats one of the main reasons to go EDP...

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Ah, I see now, I read up more about this yesterday, and it's a little different from undergrad since they don't let you apply to other schools until after you get rejected (if you do). With undergrad, I don't remember anything like that....ED deadline was October 1, but regular deadline was like Jan 1-Feb 1, so it didn't make a difference because most schools didn't have rolling admissions.


So yeah, it doesn't make too much sense. I was considering U of MN since I lived in MN for 4 years, went to undergrad there, and have lots of friends in the area, but since chances of getting in as a foreign student are slim anyway, it's probably best not to gamble. I'm still gonna apply there, but not for ED.

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Ah, I see now, I read up more about this yesterday, and it's a little different from undergrad since they don't let you apply to other schools until after you get rejected (if you do). With undergrad, I don't remember anything like that....ED deadline was October 1, but regular deadline was like Jan 1-Feb 1, so it didn't make a difference because most schools didn't have rolling admissions.


So yeah, it doesn't make too much sense. I was considering U of MN since I lived in MN for 4 years, went to undergrad there, and have lots of friends in the area, but since chances of getting in as a foreign student are slim anyway, it's probably best not to gamble. I'm still gonna apply there, but not for ED.


U of MN is a good school. So is Mayo. You will be pleased to know that I have talked to canadians who have gotten interviews at both schools THIS year.


FYI: U of MN secondary is just plane nasty. better start it soon lol.


Good luck...and apply early. :)

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Yeah, I'll apply to both. Living in Twin Cities would sure trump Rochester though.


I've been craving Chipotle (ok, this joint can be found in other states, too) and Baja Sol.....Chipotle burritos are the bomb, and don't get me started on the Baja Sol shrimp quesadilla...Chipotle is single-handedly responsible for at least 10 lbs on my frame with those 1,800-calorie burritos.


"Amigo, I'll have the Adobo marinated steak, arroz with cilantro, frijoles negros, and top it all off with some lettuce, guac, hot salsa, and sour cream....and don't forget the queso!"


And the Rainbow Chinese restaurant Uptown is the sh!t.:cool:


And what about Coldstone Creamery? Or Izzy's? Hard to trump that pesto or Guinness ice cream.


There isn't sh!t worth of good food where I live now.:rolleyes:


Ah, and who could forget the fresh spring rolls at Pad Thai on Grand Avenue? Or their chicken rice soup? The House Fried Rice is the best deal at 3 pounds' worth for $12.


And dumpster-diving at the Breadsmith that one night when we found 128 pecan buns.....takes me back to those good old days. :cool:

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