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FOURTH or FIFTH pile... what the hell?

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why was my application placed in the fourth or fifth pile?
If there are five "piles", then 40% of applicants will be placed in the 4th or 5th piles. Why wouldn't your application be among those randomly assigned to those groups? I know that it's frustrating, but lots of people hear closer to the end of the process, and many of them receive interviews and are ultimately accepted.
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This whole "batch" process is a bit strange. It appears that the only people I know who have recieved interviews have GPAs > 3.9 and some sort of research experience. Perhaps U of T does some sorting on the basis of research experience? Even though the assignment to a "batch" is supposed to be random, there seems to be a pattern in who exactly they are picking for interviews.


I may be completely wrong (which is probably the case), but I am just writing this based on my very (limited) observations.

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so if i have a gpa over 3.9 and research experience i have a good chance, becuase i'm still nervous. And i haven't actually sent in my article yet, which i'm supposing uoft might care about. stupid uoft and their waves, just send them out at the same time. I think i'm gonna die of stress before i even hear from them

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I was under the impression that it was really dependent upon the essay. We know the GPA stats from last yr (wGPA 3.86 or something... it was posted somewhere earlier), so I don't think you need >3.9 wGPA to have a chance (and especially hopefully not >3.9 cGPA before weighting!!!)

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This whole "batch" process is a bit strange. It appears that the only people I know who have recieved interviews have GPAs > 3.9 and some sort of research experience. Perhaps U of T does some sorting on the basis of research experience? Even though the assignment to a "batch" is supposed to be random, there seems to be a pattern in who exactly they are picking for interviews.


I may be completely wrong (which is probably the case), but I am just writing this based on my very (limited) observations.


The order your application is evaluated in is totally random (except that grad students are reviewed later). I think last year the file review meetings were one in December, one in January and one in February. It is totally random and each application is individually evaluated (ie your chances are not better of getting an interview if you are evaluated in December versus February. In the past they have even added an extra interview day in early May to get everyone interviewed (I was interviewed in May, didn't hear about until April). I know it's nerve wracking but just try to relax!

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what's this "pile" thing? - did someone call and inquire about their file?


I don't know about someone calling, but the piles we are referring to are the review piles. Basically, all applications are in one huge pile (in random order) and are then seperated into smaller piles for reviewers to review - each reviewer gets maybe 30 applications to review. depending on which pile you are in will depend on when you get reviewed and as a result, your possible interview day. So people are complaining that they are in the bottem piles and this is why they havent heard anything yet. It is also possible that they have been rejected already and just havent received their rejection yet but i hope this is not the case....:o

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