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Question about the program

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I was curious about the three year program...I see that the first two years are course/systems based, as are other schools, but then there is only one year of clerkship where some other schools have two years. Is there an advantage or disadvantage to this?


As well, I have not found any information on the UofC websites about summer programs...do students participate in research, job shadowing in remote communities or outside of the country....?



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Hey STIgirl,


Our 3 year program is a bit different than the four year schools. We have 19 months of pre-clerkship time (including 6 weeks of elective time and 6 weeks of vacation). During your elective time, you can do research, clinical electives (including rural), overseas experiences, etc. This is followed by a 15month clerkship in which we rotate through 7 core areas (surgery, internal, psych, family, peds, anasthesia, and ObGyn) and 10 weeks of elective time. Typically, elective time is done is areas of interest to get reference letters and check out other schools you might want to do your residency at. We don't get as much time off and we have little less elective time than other schools...but it takes 1 year less to finish. Our curriculum ends up being about 3 months shorter. We get lots of independent study time to shadow and study. Graduates have no trouble matching in CaRMS...you just need to be proactive. It's a great school with great people (both students and administration)...you won't regret coming here! I hope that answered your question.



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