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MCAT cut-off


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Hello people,


I wrote my MCAT last August and got a 38O (15, 10, 13, O).

I heard some schools won't take you if your writing sample is below P or Q, and I am wondering what those schools are. Can anybody tell me which schools I would not be able to make the cut-off mark based on my MCAT score.

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i wouldn't be too quick to retake...

you'd be in great shape for places like uoft, alberta, mcgill, calgary, dal etc. and obvously mac, and ottawa.


not to mention, if you have any intention of applying to US schools, they will LOVE your 38! with a solid gpa and good ec's, you should have a great chance at a lot of the top tier schools. they don't have cutoffs down there either. but the mcat is a good way for them to standardize applicants, due to the highly variable gpa's across undergraduate institutions.

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Queens and Western have a Q as their writing sample cutoff.

Oh, and the cutoffs vary year over year. However it's been at Q/P last couple years.


The Queen's WS cutoff was P this year. They also lowered the required sum to 30. It's a rare case of cutoffs going down.


Best of luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...


With regards to your comment about US schools, they dont care about individual sections, just overall? I got 14,13,8 R, so I'm debating re-writing.


if you were a citizen, you'd have no problem in state schools...


your overall score is certainly impressive, but the 8 might stick out as an international applicant.


go to MDapplicants.com; look at the mcat scores of those accepted/interviewed at the schools that interest you.

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