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Hi there,


You do create a CV in CaRMS based on prompts that they provide. The prompts include (but are not limited to): education, research work, published research, extracurricular activities, awards/accomplishments and employment.


Most programs rely on the CaRMS CV rather than any other CV that you might try to provide and, in fact, some programs stipulate that you don't provide a separate CV.




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what is the time period of relevance for these entries? ie. are the awards/research/extracurriculars/etc... considered from undergrad onwards? med school only? earlier than undergrad?


thanks... although this info is REALLY looking way too far ahead in time (for me at least)...

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I agree with ffp,


Putting everything you did since highschool is pretty useless. Write what you did in med, and some of the stuff you did in undergrad if you feel it was particularly important in some way (ie research/volunteer work in Zambia or something) and of course if you got any publications, doesn't matter when they were!!! Honestly, lots of places though barely reads your e-CV so... :P

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I have to disagree. The carms version online of CV is very difficult to read. I was disappointed that students from some schools didn't send in a separate paper CV that was scanned in just in case. I know someone who docked them marks one year just because it shows that you were too lazy and didn't even bother submitting one to make it easier for the reviewers when others did.


It's just more documentation that, if the reviewer is not interested in reading, they won't. Some students did send in an extra one, and those are still much appreciated by us because it is better!


We actually prefer to read your real CV as opposed to the carms one (weird fonts, clicking here and there over and over again to find out stuff about you). More difficult to read, and I did take the time to read the carms online one, but really, when I have 5-10 files to review, the real CV is much easier to read and laid out with the info and the order that we care about.


So, send in your CV and have them scan it in as an extra, unless they stipulate that they don't want it.


That's just my two cents.

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