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Not obvious from course title that it's organic chemistry

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At Queen's, 1st semester of organic chemistry is called "Principles of Chemical Reactivity" (this is CHEM 212, the one chemistry and biochemistry majors take, not the life sci one). It's not entirely obvious from the title that it's organic chemistry, and I find all these schools wanting 2 semesters of organic chemistry.


What should I do? Should I ask the department head for a letter explaining the situation and fax it to each school?


P.S. Wait until what you hear the Chemistry Department named Spectroscopy - "Methods of Structural Determination"...)

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  • 2 weeks later...
ohhh i see.. my registrar refuses to do tht....

i'm not sure how else to get around it...


I would chill out and wait until you get an acceptance offer - that's when they will care about your pre-reqs. So then you'd just have a small # of schools to mail it to. Right now, they won't care much anyway, as many people are applying with incomplete pre-reqs.

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Hey...as a Quen's grad myself.. I took CHEM 212 (engineers take it too) and CHEM 245. I recommend taking the 300 level Organic Chemistry (CHEM 345, that the engineers take). It's a really easy course, that is properly labelled as an organic chemistry course (I don't think 212 is really organic chemistry so much as it is about reaction kinetics, which sucks because the Life Sci organic chemistry is a joke).

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Hey...as a Quen's grad myself.. I took CHEM 212 (engineers take it too) and CHEM 245. I recommend taking the 300 level Organic Chemistry (CHEM 345, that the engineers take). It's a really easy course, that is properly labelled as an organic chemistry course (I don't think 212 is really organic chemistry so much as it is about reaction kinetics, which sucks because the Life Sci organic chemistry is a joke).


Reaction kinetics is actually word-for-word General Chem II, so I don't even think that course will qualify for o-chem. So your advice is probably best, if that is indeed what 212 is about.

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Even though more material is covered in a combination of CHEM 212 and CHEM 223/245 than in the Life Sci CHEM 281 and 282, I would not really consider CHEM 212 to be organic chemistry. To the OP, take CHEM 345 (the one Dr. Whitney teaches) since it is not a difficult course (you still have to work) and is called "Applied Organic Chemistry II" or something to that effect.


There were quite a few Chemistry majors in the class when I took it so you should have no problem getting permission to take it.

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