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Hi all!


Haven't been on the boards in a while in an attempt to keep myself focussed for finals and starting work for the summer, but since the MCAT is looming more and more near by the day I was interested in what everyones plans for studying are.


First of all for me I guess. I just finished second year and am writing the MCAT on August 9th. I am not taking a course. I started studying lightly about a week ago but really got my act together.


My plan is to methodically complete the whole Kaplan book (I think it is the "comprehensive review" book or something like that) by the end of the month, doing 2 or 3 chapters per day, taking Sunday to do a review of the whole week, and taking Saturdays off to have a life and not get overwhelmed. This puts me on schedule to get through all of the material, including review questions for each section and a one week complete read through by the first week of July.


From there I plan to do one MCAT every sunday writing a complete MCAT in the morning - early afternoon and then sitting down and figuring out what I did wrong in the evening and come up with a map of what me weaknesses seem to be. Then I will spend the next work week going over the weaknesses, trying to fill in the gaps.


Fridays will always be reserved for working on verbal and coming up with a method/plan for the writing sample.


The Sunday before the Thursday exam with be a whole day review marathon, then Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be light general review in an attempt not to get everything that I have learned muddled up in my head.


Most importantly the night of the 9th will involve an expensive trip to the liquor store and MCAT completion celebrations with my other Aug. 9th comrades.


Now I am very interested in seeing what everyone else plans to do to knock this badboy out of the park...


We're all in this together!




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You may want to consider doing a practice exam at the begining just to see where you stand. It may be, for example, that you're stellar in the BS section, but lacking in the PS section. That was me, since I did my undergrad in molecular bio and chem, so the BS was a breeze for me. But the PS, I hate Physics, so I pretty much spent half my time on PS (and studied this first too), a quarter on BS, and a quarter on the writing sample. I wasn't too worried about the verbal as I consistantly got a 10/11 with the online/book practice ones, so just did a few of those as practice and that was my preparation for verbal.

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I have my mcat on Aug 9th too. However, I also have research work from 8:30-4:30 during the week. So far I haven't really studied... I am going to try my best to study at least 2h per day till the last week of July. Then I'll focus on exams. Plus I think doing an exam every second Saturday or when I feel prepared on a subject would be good.


I am worried that I won't have enough time, but many people have told me the exam's not really that difficult.


well, I wish everyone the best on their studying and exams :)

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I have my mcat on Aug 9th too. However, I also have research work from 8:30-4:30 during the week. So far I haven't really studied... I am going to try my best to study at least 2h per day till the last week of July. Then I'll focus on exams. Plus I think doing an exam every second Saturday or when I feel prepared on a subject would be good.


I am worried that I won't have enough time, but many people have told me the exam's not really that difficult.


well, I wish everyone the best on their studying and exams :)




If you havent started anything really hardcore yet, DO start the Verbal Reasoning.


That stuff really takes a while to develop a groove and strategy for that you can consistently score with. The other sections you'll be cool for, but do start VR-- its the advice I got from those I know who had to write the MCAT twice.


just trying to help ya.

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I'd give the same advice as Medhopeful - do a test at the beginning to see where you are at - I was strong in VR and so I chose not to study it much and was able to focus on Physics and Chemistry (weak points). The more questions you do the better - I think I read the Kaplan comprehensive book 5 times through, but it wasn't until I was doing questions that I realized how much critical thinking is involved in the questions. There are some basic knowledge questions, but a lot of the questions are trying to see how you pull out info from passages and critically think.


Good luck!

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Thanks for the advice. I guess I put it off because I am somewhat of a bookworm and have read a wide variety. I just finished the practice 5R VR section. Took me about 5 extra minutes than allotted. I got about a 10. But I guess I need to work on time management.

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Thanks for the advice. I guess I put it off because I am somewhat of a bookworm and have read a wide variety. I just finished the practice 5R VR section. Took me about 5 extra minutes than allotted. I got about a 10. But I guess I need to work on time management.


If you time yourself, I would do one of the following: either stop yourself when the time runs out and just mark it as is or note what question you last answered when the time ran out and continue, but when grading only grade up to the last question. You WON'T have an extra 5, 2 or 1 minute on the exam, so learn to force yourself to stop so that A) you get a better idea of what mark you would actually get and B) learn to do the test faster

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I have my mcat on Aug 9th too. However, I also have research work from 8:30-4:30 during the week. So far I haven't really studied... I am going to try my best to study at least 2h per day till the last week of July. Then I'll focus on exams. Plus I think doing an exam every second Saturday or when I feel prepared on a subject would be good.


I am worried that I won't have enough time, but many people have told me the exam's not really that difficult.


well, I wish everyone the best on their studying and exams :)


I also had to work when I was studying last summer, and one thing I did to kinda boost my studying was, each day, I would chose a few things, facts of equations, that I would, when I had a spare minute or took a break, went over those few things again and again to make sure I had it memorize.

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I had a job that allowed me to listen to music all day so I put the Examkrackers MCAT review on my Ipod and listened to it all summer, and then read all night - It made me a little crazy but every little bit helps.


And yes, force yourself to stop when your time runs out to see what your real score is.

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I am selling Examkrackers MCAT Audio Osmosis with Jordan and Jon . Containing all the twelve lectures. Its an amazing guide. It helped me to boost up my MCAT to 36Q last year from 26Q. If you are interested please email me back to: izad_izad@yahoo.com. For payment information and asking price: 30$.

If you want the ExamKrackers I can send it to you by two ways:

1. By YouSendIt

2. By post if you want to have the CD. Which will be 6$ for Shippment.

Thank you


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