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Waitlist movement...

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I couldn't keep waiting so i sent an email last night to deborah...her reply:


Hello Hanna. We have made a number of offers to waitlisted candidates. It

is impossible to say if we will or will not need to make further offers over

the course of the summer. Such offers would be made only if space became

available in the class.


i've emailed her back, since the way her email is written, it suggests their class is full. i refuse to believe it until i hear it for myself!

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Based on previous years, the offers will continue to come in until the end of the summer, but at this point, every day that passes decreases our chances of getting in.


Personally, I expected to hear more people get accepted from the waitlist, based on reports that in previous years 60-70 people gained admission from the waitlist. But as I pointed out before, the forum may not necessarily be representative of the entire applicant pool.


At this point, I am going to assume that I will not gain entrance to UT, and prepare for my next year accordingly. Having said that, I would like to wish the rest of the waitlisted applicants the best of luck, there is still a chance ...

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I just got back in town (after being away for a week and a half) and found out that I got in off the waitlist via snail mail because my packaged had arrived before I check my email.


I would like to say to all of you still waiting, not to give up hope. If medicine is a career you want to do, keep trying! Do not get discouraged. I was waitlisted last year and did not get in. I took that experience and turned it into a positive this year as I prepared for my interviews. It really helps to have gone through the interview experience once before. You are not as nervous as before making you better able to answer their questions at the interview.


That being said, I would like to acknowledge that getting into medical school is a blessing. There are by far more qualified candiates than spots and the whole selection process is not without bias. How do you distinguish between two hundred people with great grades, solid e.c., excellent references (would any one ask someone who would give a bad reference?), and an interview based generic and sometimes bizarre questions? ( I would argue there would be a distinct difference between people in the top 75 and those between 76-300, but 76-300 would all be very similar.)

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