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Best major for Med. School

Guest 13cat

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Guest 13cat

I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on which major would be best to take so that I can get into medical school. I have an OAC background in ENG. and HIST.

and I am not the strongest in science/math. Therefore a hardcore science major isn't for me. I have completed 1 year arts at york u. Thanks for your help:)

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Guest peachy

Hi 13cat,


There is no "best major for medical school", because it's different for every person. You should pick a major that you love, because then you will be able to excel academically and you'll also enjoy your degree.


If you really want to centre your degree around health studies, and stay away from too much science, you should check out some of Atkinson's programs in health studies.


You might also want to contact the SOS, they can set up an appointment for you to talk to somebody who was in your position a few years ago.



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Guest cheech10

Of course immunology would be the best major, both for getting in and preparing you for med school!


No, honestly do whatever you like and have fun. There are engineers, philosophy majors, drama majors, art majors, and anything majors in med school. Just make sure you enjoy your undergrad time and your course work.

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I know people say this a lot, but the advice above is true. Pick a subject you enjoy and do that. I took Environment and Health because I thought it was really interesting and come from the school of thought where undergrad is supposed to expand your mind. . .


My program was about half-science though mostly ones that are useful for med school (like immunology and infectious diseases). It's tough taking those kinds of courses without being immersed in the subject. I was the only person in my immunology course who wasn't IN immunology, which meant the pace was faster and it was very hard.


My only question to you is this: why not take a breadth of courses that will give you a good idea of other careers related to medicine? Although medicine was always one of my career options (since about the age of 5 :P ), I got a taste for psychology, immunology and epidemiology--all really neat and totally related to medicine.


Sorry for the length. I obviously have a lot to say on the issue! Good luck in whatever you decide.



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