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yeah the MCAT involves much more preparation because of the greater number of sections, however talking to other ppl who have written both, they said that the DAT involves a lot more pressure on the actual test day. Especially for the carving situation because it doesnt matter how much you practice, if you mess up on the test day then it all goes to waste.


for the mcat you can study your really hard and prob get a good mark but the DAT involves the time factor to a greater degree

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I took both the MCAT and the DAT.


I studied a whole summer for the MCAT and got average scores. It's a really hard test considering that all the questions are passage based except for very few. Oh and the verbal reasoning section is a %$##$@% :)


I didn't study at all for the DAT (I wrote it over a year after the MCAT), and I got above average scores. It's much easier since the questions aren't based on passages, and the verbal reasoning section actually makes sense.

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I took the MCAT twice, never took the DAT and I'm pretty sure the MCAT is harder. Anyone who takes anything harder than the MCAT probably dies half way during the exam.


PS: In all seriousness, everyone I know who has taken both says the MCAT is harder.

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I would definitely agree that the MCAT is harder than the DAT. It is much more of a marathon since it takes the whole day, where as the DAT is only about half a day. Verbal reasoning is much harder as well since you actually have to think, where as the answers are all right there in the DAT.. you just have to find them.

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