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Which matters more for the MCAT....


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seems like every time I turn around, I'm starting a new thread... here's another.


I was wondering how US schools look at the MCAT... do they care more for a section-by-section score, or do they care more for total score?


I ask this b/c I'm frikkin scared my verbal mark will throw me out the window.


So lets say two people both get 32, a pretty decent score. One gets 13,7,12. The other gets 11,10,11.


Will schools care about that 7, or is the total going to get them over the edge. Will the 13 and 12 allow the 7 to be forgiven?


I think I know the answer (7? get outta town, or "email the schools"), but maybe you guys have some people you know of who had luck in this scenario when applying state-side, so please lemme know!



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Most schools have unofficial cut-offs at 8 (e.g. below 8 in any section is an automatic rejection, but 8 is still considered). It is also generally considered best to have a well-balanced score (e.g. all 10-11 as opposed to 12-13 and then an 8). I checked, and there's 3 people on MDapplicants who got in with a 6 in VR w/o rewriting....25 with a VR of 7, but most only got into their state school, and not the selective state schools for most part.

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