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graduate advise

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congratulations to all of the graduate students who are accepted!

does anyone have advise for graduate students who want to go to Queens? If accepted, please post 1)undergraduate GPA and graduate GPA 2)residence (IP/OOP?) 3)course-based or research master (and publication?)

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but it was for each school. this advice is helpful for graduate applicants! applicants at Mcgill replied! and i'm sure many graduate students have the same questions for each school. no question is a stupid one and that is the purpose of this message board. i am surprised u are an administrator! sounds like you are bitter.

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There is no specific formula of getting in...as mentioned, try doing a search first and look through the 'accepted/rejected/waitlisted' thread.


Not to be rude (honest! :) ), but this isn't necessarily an original question so the information you're looking for has already been answered, or the info is already floating around. I mean, if you're going to put the hard work into trying to get into meds, might as well start by working through the old posts to find the answers. :rolleyes:


Also, the majority of us who frequently (aka obsessively on my part) check this forum are most likely us waitlisters. :( Sort of a high stress time for me at least!

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I think this information is in the existing threads. I assume you've already taken a look ;) Here's a start:


Take a look at some of the people posting in the main Queen's Sticky, Accepted/Rejected/Waitlisted??? (for current applicants)


Most people have indicated whether they are graduate students, and what their undergraduate GPA was.


There was another good recent thread for graduate applicants:

Graduate applicants



Hopefully we can keep the threads with relevant information fresh and available for anyone else with similar questions.


Best of luck!

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