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Please help getting started on personal statement

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Hi all, I have received many positive comments on this forum, all of which I have put to use in my quest to become a dentist. I just have one minor problem left, Im applying to US dents and I need to write a personal statement. I AM NOT ASKING ANYONE TO READ IT FOR ME! i have written down all my reasons in point form with respect to why i like the education and why i like the profession and how it can tie into my career goals etc...but i just cant find a good way to open the darn thing. I've been getting more and more confused thinking about it by my self, (i've even thought about talking about Picasso!!):confused: and I decided enuf is enuf and Im now turning to you guys for some much needed inspiration!


I sincerely appreciated all your helps so far and in the future!:)



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Well Kevin.d

It's always cool to start with a special anecdote...think about something unique that happened in your life which made you want to be a dentist. That way it opens the essay like a story...so you are basically introducing yourself and your dental interest all in one paragraph. Maybe you had a lot of dental work done as a kid and that sparked your interest...so maybe describe the feeling of being in that environment/talking with the dentist/....this is just an example to get you started. Hope it helps.:cool:

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I'd start off with a metaphor that forms the basis for your essay. I used a really simple metaphor and it just carried my essay from there. Just make sure it has something to do with some experience helping you make the decision to pursue dentistry.

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Kinda what Allsmiles was talking about. Sorta start your essay off with a thought provoking statement which can then lead to a personaly story. Cuz if you have a really nice opening line, it will catch the adcom's eye. PM me if you're still not sure.

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