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When is the right time to apply?

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Hi guys,

I've been a long time reader of these forums, just gathering knowledge and reading about people's experiences with med school.

However I've been in this section and don't quite understand how the application to the American schools work.

I'm still a couple yrs away from actually applying but would like to know...


If say, during my fourth yr at University, I'm applying to Canadian schools, usually I would know if I got in by May or June.

But what if I didn't get it and I wanted to the states? When would I apply so that I could start school the upcoming school yr so that I wouldn't have to take a yr off?

I know the American process is quicker than Canada's? So would I apply later in the yr? or Approx the same time as the Canadian application?

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On the most part, US schools are rolling. This means that spots in the class are filled as the admissions committee receives applications. As a result, someone who submits their application early in the process (May, June, July) will have a greater chance of getting into a rolling school than if they were to apply later (have their secondary application for a school completed in November). Many less competitive applicants have been able to take advantage of rolling admissions to gain admission simply with how the system works.


If applying to the US as a backup to Canadian schools, I would suggest applying to American schools the summer prior to beginning fourth year. From what I've heard, one should apply during the J-months [June, July] to be considered early for rolling admissions. Most Canadian applications are due in October/November, so US applications should be completed prior to starting these.


I didn't apply to the States, but was considering it last year. I'm sure that some of the other people on the forum can provide some more info, too.

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Hi guys,

I've been a long time reader of these forums, just gathering knowledge and reading about people's experiences with med school.

However I've been in this section and don't quite understand how the application to the American schools work.

I'm still a couple yrs away from actually applying but would like to know...


If say, during my fourth yr at University, I'm applying to Canadian schools, usually I would know if I got in by May or June.

But what if I didn't get it and I wanted to the states? When would I apply so that I could start school the upcoming school yr so that I wouldn't have to take a yr off?

I know the American process is quicker than Canada's? So would I apply later in the yr? or Approx the same time as the Canadian application?


just adding to bioboy's post...


apply to US schools the summer when you start applying to canadian schools - i.e. the summer before 4th year starts, or the summer after 3rd year has finished.


people start getting acceptances to US schools as early as october to start med school for the fall of the following year. what you do in that situation is, you accept the offer of your school of choice and pay a fee (i think it's $100US) to hold your seat. this fee is refundable up to may 15th. if you happen to be accepted to a canadian school BEFORE may 15th, then withdraw your offer at the US school and you get your $100 back and off you go to your canadian med school in the fall. if, however, you get accepted AFTER may 15th, you lose your $100 and off you go to your canadian med school. if you dont get into a canadian school, you head down south for attending your US school in the fall after you graduate.


basically, apply summer/fall (preferrably summer) of the start of 4th year. get accepted some time during your 4th year. start med school after your 4th year. same process as canadian schools except you apply a few months earlier, and can be accepted about 6-8 months earlier than canadian schools.

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oooo ic!

thanks guys :D

now having an acceptance before the canadian applications, would that be looked down upon by canadian schools?

and $100 to hold ur spot? thats good because i thought that by saying you want a spot in the school you would have to deposit a portion of the tuition...


another question is, if say you want to go to the states for medical school, would u apply for a visa before or after an acceptance?

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oooo ic!

thanks guys :D

now having an acceptance before the canadian applications, would that be looked down upon by canadian schools?

and $100 to hold ur spot? thats good because i thought that by saying you want a spot in the school you would have to deposit a portion of the tuition...


another question is, if say you want to go to the states for medical school, would u apply for a visa before or after an acceptance?


canadian and american medical schools dont "talk" - canadian schools will have no idea that you have a seat on hold at an american school.


the $100 deposit will go towards your tuition if you decide to attend the american school. like i said before, if you withdraw your acceptance before may 15th then you'll get it refunded, after may 15th you'll lose it, and if you decide to attend the school then it'll go towards your tuition.


you will be given a form for the F-1 visa (student visa) from the school that you have been accepted to. you dont have to worry about visa stuff before you apply. the school will send you all the documentation and instructions on how to go about doing things. they'll need proof that you can afford to pay the tuition before they send you the documentation...but dont worry, once accepted, the school will guide you through the process.

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what would be used as proof? do you show them that you have enough for all 4 yrs? yikes!


yes, i think some schools require you to show that you have enough for all 4 years. some schools want u to put the money in an escrow account (no idea what that is lol) and others want an afidavid (spelling?).

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