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One big nightmare

Guest Biochem10

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Guest Biochem10

Hey, I don't know about anyone else, but this whole application process has been somewhat of a nightmare for me....hours and hours of work and still things seem to be going wrong--things beyond my control, are the gods trying to tell me something?? The MD/PhD program at U of T e-mailed me this morning to tell me that they never received my refs, despite my former supervisors telling me they sent them?! Then I checked OMSAS and my MCAT results are "not received" even though I took the MCAT in August 2001 and filled out an ASR in June! Well, well, I'm not exactly impressed by this whole process especially since i should probably be concentrating on other things in my life such as my classes. Guess tommorrow I will be making various phone calls to OMSAS and my references...how fun! Care to share your thoughts?

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Guest Chieka101

RELAX. Stressing will get you no where. Half of my stuff hasn't come in either, and I've been feverishly checking my email and the school websites to see if they'd recieved everything. If it's deadlines that you are worried about, just remember that the school looks at postmark dates, so if you mailed everything on time, it doesn't really matter if it gets there a little late. Also, Ontario schools won't penalize you for late references, cause they understand it's not your fault.

There's not much I can say but don't stress yourself and don't worry about things that are beyond your control. Now, if I could only take my own advice ... :b

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