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ubc facebook

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OK facebook is super lame...but I'm sucked into it aswell. Is there a ubc 2011 group? or Just the one turbo group that includes everyone?


Someone should make one...wouldnt mind seeing who I'm goin to class with!


Oh and don't say "well you should make it" cause really, I can't stoop to that level. I would probably have to kill myself afterwards.

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ok seriously--figure it out.


I'm really alone on this one...it's only me and a dreamer in the group. I'm feeling like a real winner. Com'mon guys....I worked up the courage and prepared myself for the flak I'd take for starting a group. You're really leaving me hangin.

I'm gonna have to pull the chute if I have to endure another shameful day of being the only person in a group.

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