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Suggestions for writing sample example


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Hey guys,


I have been working on essays using random MCAT writing sample prompts and am currently brainstorming for the prompt "Youth and innovation are sometimes more beneficial in politics than are age and experience". My synthesis is something along the lines that youth/innovation would be more important when politicians are tackling new issues we have not faced before, and that age/experience are helpful in dealing with complex issues that require an understanding of the past. Now, I just can't come up with a strong and specific example for the antithesis (when age/experience would be beneficial). Any suggestions? I just need ideas to get me started. :)

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Hey Kiwi, not sure if this could work for the statement,what about social issues such as poverty, racism or sexism. One could argue that for the politician to be effective in these areas, they should have experience those social issues first hand and know what it really is about in order to come up with effective solutions to them or know what to fight for to further the cause.

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how about for the anti-thesis:


Lessons learned by the U.S. from Vietnam War that were applied to a better extent in the Gulf War.

[the u.s. learned from its lessons and handled the gulf war differently. They applied previous experience and knowledge)


Better post-war restrictions (i.e. Sanctions) on Germany after they defeated Hitler's Army [pretty much the same deal, they made slightly less stricter rules on germany. Also to avoid such future incidents NATO was formed]


Lessons learned by the loss of life by the Atomic Explosion in Hiroshima and their impact on nuclear treaties. [we have nuclear laws that must be obeyed...and maybe you could tie that into with the current events in the middle east of Iran or something like that]


just some things throwing at ya :)

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My main idea would be that when traditional ideas and views are not successful the youthful energy and confidence to explore unorthodox ideas can solve problems never encounter before. I would look to ancient history with teenage Octavius rising to power and ending a series of decades worth of civil war by establishing a new hybrid republician-imperial Roman government.


My anti-thesis would center around how lessons of the past can solve political problems of today. I would say something about how with age comes experience which youth cannot possibly have. I would use the example of Churchill using his experiences as a politician in WWI (Gallipoli, 1915) to lead Britain in WWII to victory in 1945.


I would conclude by saying that traditional political problems are best solved by those who are most experienced in traditional politics. Those political problems that are untraditional require politicians who are younger and not bound by traditional ideas of the norm.


That is pretty much along the lines you mentioned for your brain storm but with some examples tossed in with an anti-thesis.

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Hey guys,


I have been working on essays using random MCAT writing sample prompts and am currently brainstorming for the prompt "Youth and innovation are sometimes more beneficial in politics than are age and experience". My synthesis is something along the lines that youth/innovation would be more important when politicians are tackling new issues we have not faced before, and that age/experience are helpful in dealing with complex issues that require an understanding of the past. Now, I just can't come up with a strong and specific example for the antithesis (when age/experience would be beneficial). Any suggestions? I just need ideas to get me started. :)


I'll take a stab at this:


Youth and innovation may be beneficial in tackling long-standing issues of society that require fresh/novel ideas (i.e. pensions, taxes).


Age and experience may be useful in defining laws for (inexperienced) youths (i.e. education system).


Damn, 347 posts...I'm on this thing way too much.

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