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seeking advice on which schools I should apply to

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Sony did you apply to Canadian schools as well?


nope. i didnt make the gpa cut offs (3.7) and if I did make the GPA cutoff i didnt make mcat cutoffs (9 VR). Only shot I had was UofT. And after doign an undergrad at uoft it was time for a change. I regret not applying to OOP schools however...especially McGill or UBC.

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Hey a41, i have some MSAR info that I can get to you, i copied it down from a friend. It constitutes some of the schools u put on ur list. I took down relevant info including Mcat medians, gpa median for both cgpa and science gpa, as well as accepted/interviewed/applied numbers for internationals and residents.

I will put that up as soon as i find it on my other comp and you can decide for yourself based on the standings.

note that case western has a rolling admissions policy, and their median mcat is 12 11 12 and their gpa is im not sure, but high 3.7 pushing 3.8

yes i know, it is private, top 20 or 21, and its rolling, go figure.

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Hey Alastriss, I actually have a copy of the MSAR, but I appreciate the thought!


I didn't know that Case was rolling...now if I could only get verified :mad: .


Even with the numbers, I have no idea how competitive I am. I seem to be in the middle somewhere with my MCATs and GPA (32, and 34 rewrite, GPA somewhere between 3.75 and 3.85). I have a lot of research experience, including an accepted paper that will be published later this year. From what I can tell, this might make me more competitive at the higher tier schools (what about lower ones?). Then of course, the whole international student thing puts another spin on things.


I decided to apply to a lot of schools...this is my list:


Albert Einstein








Medical College of Wisconsin

Michigan State


Rosalind Franklin





Wake Forest




Lol so there are a lot of sketch schools in there. I'm also going to apply to 6 schools in Canada, which makes a grand total of 25 schools. Hopefully I'll get in somewhere.

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Hey Alastriss, I actually have a copy of the MSAR, but I appreciate the thought!


I didn't know that Case was rolling...now if I could only get verified :mad: .


Even with the numbers, I have no idea how competitive I am. I seem to be in the middle somewhere with my MCATs and GPA (32, and 34 rewrite, GPA somewhere between 3.75 and 3.85). I have a lot of research experience, including an accepted paper that will be published later this year. From what I can tell, this might make me more competitive at the higher tier schools (what about lower ones?). Then of course, the whole international student thing puts another spin on things.


I decided to apply to a lot of schools...this is my list:


Albert Einstein








Medical College of Wisconsin

Michigan State


Rosalind Franklin





Wake Forest




Lol so there are a lot of sketch schools in there. I'm also going to apply to 6 schools in Canada, which makes a grand total of 25 schools. Hopefully I'll get in somewhere.


Nice work on the paper, and it will definetely add to your competitiveness as it shows ur research potential

IMO might as well apply to a dream school, i mean you don't wanna be thinking 'what if' just to save $$$. Telling a story one day about how u got shot down from harvard is better than telling a story about how you didn't want to take the chance to apply so you can save the money, right?:D


unless of course, your story continues on about how you used the money u saved to buy lottery tickets, hit the jackpot, and concludes with how you ended up buying a gallardo and a vanquish cuz you just couldn't decide :cool:


Yeah I was shocked about CW, i will find the link for it and pull it up, I was told private schools are not rolling, but now i wonder which other ones are too that we don't know about


this is from the faqs http://casemed.case.edu/admissions/process/faqs.cfm




What is the schedule and procedure for the application process?

Please be sure to review our application procedures carefully. Take special note of the following deadlines, which could jeopardize your application if not followed. Any changes in your status or information (address, email, phone number, etc.) should be reported to our office as well as to AMCAS. We have a rolling admissions process.

June 1, 2007 - Consideration of preliminary (AMCAS) applications begins.

November 1, 2007 - Deadline for filing AMCAS application.

December 15, 2007 - Deadline for submitting electronic secondary application.

May 2008 - Notify the University Program of your final decision to attend Case (this is earlier than most medical schools because we start course work July 2008). You may remain on schools' alternate lists.

July 2008- Classes begin


Good luck a41!

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