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Hurricane Juan

Guest epsilon11

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Guest epsilon11

I am a Halifax resident, and we have been currently ravaged by hurricane Juan. There is no way I can get my OMSAS application finished in time now, since power will be out for at least a week. How can I contact OMSAS and ask for more time, because I desperately need it.


PS: In case you are wondering how I got my message up here, it is because I'm using a public computer that blocks the OMSAS cookies when I try signing in.

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Guest peachy

I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, because it seems that you're able to get to the main OMSAS website. But if you're trying to get their contact info, here it is, copied from www.ouac.on.ca/omsas/omsa...rs.html#13 :


Contacting OMSAS

Medical Supervisor:

Phone: (519) 823-1940 ext. 553

E-mail: omsas@ouac.on.ca


COMPASS support:

Phone: (519) 823-1940 ext. 556

E-mail: omsas_support@ouac.on.ca

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Guest aneliz

I wish you luck...because you are probably going to need it. I would contact OMSAS IMMEDIATELY!!! By phone and NOT by e-mail...because it is going to be pretty hard to argue your case for no online access with an e-mail.... They may be sympathetic...but it is not a sure thing. The year I applied, they were less than accomodating when it was THEIR server that kept crashing and preventing people from getting their app done on time.... They tend to be really strict on their deadlines regardless of what the problem is...otherwise there would be a constant appeal from people that had a death in the family, their house burned down, their computer exploded/was stolen, etc, etc, etc.


The OMSAS adherence to deadlines is legendary....

In ancient history when you actually had to hand in a disc to OMSAS, there is a story of someone gettting in a car accident on the way to Guelph and missing the deadline by 10 minutes....and OMSAS wouldn't bend the rules.


Good Luck!

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