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CBT- The real mcat


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Hey guys, I know theres a whole thread about the differences btwn the practice cbt features and the real thing.... I don't think this was asked though:


I'm wondering for those of you who wrote the actual mcat already, can you highlight in the questions area? For the first few CBT exams that I did online (3-7) I was able to highlight in the questions but suddenly its not working anymore...for CBT 8 at least. (I havent done 9 and 10 yet) So i'm wondering what its like on the real thing? (I always miss important words and then get easy qeustions wrong!!!! especially in verbal)

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another question bout the 'real CBT',


is the font / format the size like it is in the practice CBT's ?

or was it like the small size on the paper MCAT last year (i.e. like the font size in EK101 verbal)


not really important but just wondering, lol :)

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