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Do I retake the MCAT....again :S ?


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Just wondering if I could get some advice from some fellow Canucks.


I'm quite sad


July 13th


VR - 7, I knew i screwed up..guess I was just hoping for a prayer.

PS - 12

BS - 10

Writing - R


First time I took it in 2005 (wasn't prepared at all)


VR - 4

PS - 6

BS - 9

Writing - O


Do I retake?


I'm currently registered for the Sept. 11th exam.


I have my references almost ready to go. My AMCAS will probably be verified by September.


I'm afraid if I take the MCAT again, who knows if my BS and PS might go down. I really think I can improve my VR, i was too flustered that day. But studying for the MCAT will take time away from completing secondaries. But if I take the MCAT again and do well I can apply to schools like western, alberta and queens.


Is it possible to apply to american schools now, take the mcat for canadian schools and maybe american schools don't look at the sept 11th score since my applications with specific schools will be finished?


I'm confused.

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Hey..thanks for the replies everyone.


I've already spent $430 on AMCAS/10 schools when I submitted my primary. I've only received secondaries for those three and have done them. There wasn't much to do.


My thought process right now, since i've already paid for the primaries, finish the secondaries when and if I receive them for the next 7 schools. Write the MCAT on Sept. 11th for some faint hope on Canadian Schools.


I figure my AMCAS GPA is 3.5-3.6

and the only way I'm gonna get into Canadian Schools are those schools that look at your last two years. My OMSAS GPA would be 3.85 for the last two years.


The depression is wearing down thankfully, I guess that wasn't too long since I learned my score at 6pm today. Just gotta stay positive.

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I think you should not say youre re-writing, and let them look at your currect scores. Further delays wont help. And you're doing secondaries now, which is good, so just let the get in.


But the 7VR might screen you out straight off. Hope it works out.

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In terms of indicating the re-write on AMCAS, if you don't indicate you are re-writing (but you are writing actually), does that mean whatever score you get, the schools still won't consider?


If that's the case, what's the point of re-writing?


For my case, a shot at Canadian Schools. Specifically Western/Queens if my verbal goes up.


I guess retaking won't matter for American Schools because I'm not going to indicate it on AMCAS.

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For my case, a shot at Canadian Schools. Specifically Western/Queens if my verbal goes up.


I guess retaking won't matter for American Schools because I'm not going to indicate it on AMCAS.


yeah you dont have to update your amcas and schools where you are completed will evaluate you based on your old MCAT.

However your MCAT score will be uploaded automatically into your amcas application once your scores are up

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still a bit confused

so even though they will be uploaded, american schools still won't count the new scores if you don't indicate you are retaking?


It's not like that, if all secondaries are send now those schools will evaluate your application as soon as they receive your secondaries and most of those schools will take a decision before your score is released (sometimes in october).

If there are any school left that haven't taken a decision about you by the tim scores are uploaded, they will definitely take the new score into consideration. Some schools take the higher score, some take the highest in any section and most of the schools take the latest one.

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so just to clarify:

indicate re-take: consider old mark if new mark not out OR wait till new mark out to consider?

don't indicate re-take: consider old mark EVEN when new mark is out OR consider new mark if its out?


another way to phrase my question:

indicate/not indicate, schools can see your new MCAT mark when it is out

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indicate re-take: schools put a hold on your application, they will consider it complete the day your new score is released and will use your new score.

don't indicate re-take: schools will evaluate you based on your old score. However once your new score is out, the schools who had not previously evaluated you for some reason(backlogged, too many applications....) will evaluate you based on your new score.


Once your score is out. Every single school in the US can see it. But those who have already evaluated you (offered interviews, rejected you....) could care less.

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