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How long does it take for the secondaries to arrive!?


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Hey guys,

Another question about secondaries...=) I submitted my AMCAS primary application about a month ago and my status has been "Ready to Review" for about a month now. I was wondering on average, how long does it take AMCAS to review your application?

Also, I applied to about 25 schools (lol) and have recieved 5 secondaries so far. How long does it usually take for secondaries to come? Do some schools wait until AMCAS processes your primary application before sending out the secondaries? I'm starting to get worried! Will we be notified if they decide to not send us a secondary?

Please let me know! I'll really appreciate all the help I can get!

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Seems like it takes forever for secondaries to arrive.


I've applied to 15 or so schools. The ones that were pre-AMCAS verification were Columbia and Dartmouth.


Post AMCAS verification, I've only received WashU, Virginia, Case, and NYMC. No news from any of the other schools.


Damn, you must have great stats KT to be thinking of WashU and those guys :D


Good for you :)

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Damn, you must have great stats KT to be thinking of WashU and those guys :D


Good for you :)


Haha, not that great at all! But hey, I figure it's sort of like the lottery...if you don't give it a shot, you never know right?


For my US apps:

Super-duper-reach schools








Brown (almost super-duper based on how few canucks they take in)



Michigan State


Somewhat of a chance


SUNY Upstate




We'll see how it goes. If I get even an interview invite from the super-duper reaches, I'll be ecstatic. For the "reach" and "somewhats", I'm thinking I'm good enough to get an interview from at least one or two of those schools. :confused: although the more i get into this process and the more i read SDN, the more delusional I think I am about where I stand.

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Haha, not that great at all! But hey, I figure it's sort of like the lottery...if you don't give it a shot, you never know right?


For my US apps:

Super-duper-reach schools








Brown (almost super-duper based on how few canucks they take in)



Michigan State


Somewhat of a chance


SUNY Upstate




We'll see how it goes. If I get even an interview invite from the super-duper reaches, I'll be ecstatic. For the "reach" and "somewhats", I'm thinking I'm good enough to get an interview from at least one or two of those schools. :confused: although the more i get into this process and the more i read SDN, the more delusional I think I am about where I stand.


Super-reach, reach, whatever, its all good :D Hope you get into whatever school you want and whichever one is a great fit for you man.


I'm applying to a good few schools myself. (I'm too lazy to type them all right now).


Oh, and if you check SDN, you're bound to feel intimidated/ delusional-- some of those people seem to eat sleep and breathe med school admission. Too hardcore for me :P

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Does anyone know if I start to submit secondaries now, when I can expect to get interview invites (I HOPE I GET SOME...) hahah






It depends how long it takes the school to review your application and decide to send you an invitation. For one school I was invited for an interview 2 days after my application was complete. For others, it took a few weeks. Some schools put your application on hold, meaning that they don't think your application is weak enough to send a rejection, but it also isn't strong enough to send an interview invite.

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