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Funding education in the US

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Ok, I tried to search some of this stuff but couldn't find much.


I guess I'm a bit worried about the prospect of affording an education in the US. From my research, it seems any loans will require a US co-signer (which I don't have) and it seems Canadian banks are leery to offer LOCs or if they do, don't even come close to what is required.


Are all you guys who are applying sitting on $250,000 (or your parents for that matter?) because I most certainly am not and would need pretty much all of it covered by loans.


So far my apps to US have been a sort of "deal with it when I get there" approach but I just got an interview invite so I guess I have to start facing reality (and whether or not I should just abandon the whole thing because it's financially unrealistic for me)


Would *really really* value some input, especially from current students who are making it work somehow.

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Hey Ken...this doesn't help you, but if I end up going to a US school next year, my parents will be paying the tuition, and I'll probably get a loan for all other expenses. I also know a few people who will co-sign a US loan for me.


Where'd you get an invite? I'd better get on this secondary application thing...

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