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Screw medicine!

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...which is what my attitude will be when I go unmatched, which is a fate I'm fairly certain of.


For people like myself who've made poor choices in medicine and thus cannot get a job in their desired career, what other options are there besides settling for a second-round carms spot? In what other careers will having an MD be considered an asset?


It's not even September yet, what makes you so sure you're not going to match?

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Compare this to the radiology or cardiology or what have you gunner who has 5 papers and 8 awards, and electives in all the major centers. It kind of makes me sick thinking about it.

Hi there,


First off, as folks have mentioned before, CaRMS is not cut and dried, i.e., people match to programs without "gunner"-type profiles, and conversely, people go umatched who seem like shoe-ins. All that being said, if you remain uncomfortable with the thought of entering this year's CaRMS cycle there is always the option of opting out this year in lieu of further career exploration experiences so that you are more confident in your choice of career path when you apply next year. This is not an uncommon option.




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I would actually ask the dean for a year off WHILE in medical school. Doing research/combined clinical stuff in the field of your choice might be a good option. Other options were mentionned in this thread and each have their advantages/inconvenients.


BTW, if you're interested in internal med, it's pretty doable to match, at least in my part of the country, there are plenty of internal med spots left over after the first round.


There are a whole lot of "desirable" specialties, some you may not even know about!


Good luck!



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